
Monday, June 22, 2015

Rare Item Monday!

Hi jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! Today's Rare Item Monday is Shutter Shade's! You can buy them for seven hundred gem's. They are Blue and Purple in color.
Me personally I like them! And that's really rare for me because honestly, I don't like most of the Monday Rare's lol. Make sure you get them today! They are for sale today and today only! Comment down below what your first Monday Rare was, Your favorite Monday Rare, And your Least Favorite Monday Rare. My first Monday Rare was the Rare Backpack. My favorite Monday Rare is the Rare Headdress, And my least favorite Monday Rare is the Rare Curly Hat And Wig.


  1. I actually have no idea what was my first RIM but it was around your first one but that was like my 3rd or 4th RIM anyways my favorite RIM is the Rare Nerd Glasses and my least favorite is probably the Rare Round Glasses

  2. Nice post! I have no clue what my 1st RIM was either. My favorite RIM would be probably the rare headdress and least favorite.. Hmm not sure!


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