
Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Possible New Scamming Method! :(

Hey Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! I have been hearing about a possible new scamming method that maybe used a lot in Animal Jam in the future! I will be telling you this glitch so you and other jammer's know to avoid this possible new scamming method.  So this possible new scamming method is... Let's Say there are two jammer's, One is Awesome Arctic Claw's, And the other jammer is Old Grand Paw. And now let's just say Old Grand Paw has a Red Short Collar on their trade list. And let's just say Awesome Arctic Claw's walk's up to Old Grand Paw and say's, Hey! I will trade you four Black Long Wristband's for your Red Short Collar! And almost anyone will say yes because it is a over trade. So say Old Grand Paw say's sure deal! And say he take's the deal and look's in his item slot's and see's there is only ONE Black Long Wrist! The new possible scamming method is people can somehow glitch an item to make it look like they are trading more then what they really are! Just be REALLY careful who you trade with jammer's, I don't want anyone to get scammed by this possible new method! If you trade with someone that is offering four of the same item make sure you REALLY know this person before you do that trade so you don't get scammed! Bye Jammer's, Jam On!       EDIT: I almost forgot to tell you! I have a really epic post that I will be working on getting on the blog ASAP! Until then I will leave it to be a surprise! :-)

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