
Friday, July 17, 2015


Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been camping and I don't have good wifi. I'm camping in a motorhome just in case you were wondering if how I was even getting wifi. Anyways, I love camping! I really like to go hiking and fishing! I like to watch the deer whenever they pass by my camp. I've even heard coyotes howling the other night! It was cool! I just hope I don't see them! Everyday, there has been a cat coming at our camp. She is a kitten. She is our neighbors cat. She likes to lay on the bench outside. I'll pet her and play with her. She's really cute! My grandparents dog will sometimes play with it! She will sometimes lay by the deer when they come! There is a lake by our camp that's really fun! Every weekend, they have paddle boat races! A few times, me and my brother have gotten in first place! I like to go canoeing! Sometimes my Grandpa will take me. Sometime we even go fishing! I've only ever caught small fish but it's still really fun! I have a really funny story about when i was walking on a path with my brother and my Grandparents dog. So we were walking and just talking when i hear something in the bushes! I got sooo scared so I told my brother to run back because I thought it was a bear or mountain lion. I pulled poor Meeka (my grandparents dog) as fast as I could with her on her leash. I turned around to see what it was and it was a DEER! I was so relieved lol. What a big baby I was lol! I'll be posting again in about less then 2 weeks. And I'll tell you guys what happened while I was here! bnb signing out!

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