
Friday, July 3, 2015

Disguise glasses!

Hey jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Psst... Can i tell you a secret?! A secret of how to be like a ninja and not show your true "AJ" identity...

Step 1... Go to the summer carnival...

Step 2... Go into the clothing items...

Step 3... Get the new silly glasses and beard :D

Okay okay! You can see I'm just kidding :) Im not sure why there called "disguise glasses" You would think for it being animal jam they would just call it silly glasses or something to that effect. But this will do! This will probably be great for fashion shows if the person says dress silly! This would be very good with maybe the cross-sided eyes and maybe a phantom balloon and some snow shoes! 

This has been a post by graciepopstar91 ! 

Play wild and..... JAM ON!
Remember God made YOU!

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