
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jammer Wall, Peacocks, and Ferrets!

Hey everybody! Today on Animal Jam, lots of cool things came out! Now Animal Jam has a Jammer Wall! You can message your buddies or with other Jammers! But, it is being tested by members right now. But after the testing, Non-Members will be able to have their own Jammer Wall! What I like about it the most is, that you get to decorate your wall! You can pick your own wallpaper, and pick a color and design for your chat!     Peacocks are here! They are so cute! As soon as i saw they where here, I got one! You can choose from ALOT of colors. Well that's what I thought from when I was getting my peacock. Make sure to go to pet stop to dress up your peacock! I really like the clothes for your pet!     Now you can get your own Ferret!!! You can go to a store that has Animal Jam gift cards and buy one to get your own pet Ferret! I tried to get a picture of one but i couldn't so sorry about that! And once you get your Ferret, you will get a Ferret couch, (lol) Ferret lamp, and a toy thingy for your pet Ferret! I also tried to get a picture of the Jammer Wall but i couldn't find one so sorry again!  That's all for now! Jam On!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


  1. Awesome post! I might get a AJ gift card for my bday yay! I hope theres enough time to get it for my bday.. Its near the end of next month

  2. hmm I think you could and thx!


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