
Friday, July 3, 2015

More Scammer Warning's!

Hey Jammer's! Coolcat here with another post! I will be telling you more way's to stay safe from scammer's on Animal Jam! One way that people can use as a scam is to say they have been scammed or hacked when they have not been. Way's you can tell if they are not telling the truth is to check their trade list. Sometimes people who are new to scamming will forget to take items on their trade list. Another way to tell is to look on there animal's to see if they have any rares on. And lastly you can go to their den if it is unlocked and see if they have rares or beta's. I'm not saying everyone who say's they got scammed or hacked s lying but you want to be safe rather then sorry. I also want to welcome and congratulate Tardis1027 for being our newest writer for the AJFC! Congratulation's Tardis1027 and welcome! :).


  1. Awesome post CoolCat and yes, congrautulation Azul Artist! Its nice to have you on our blog!

    Play wild and jam on!


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