
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Scammer Warning's!

Hey Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post. As you can see from the title this post I will be telling you all about the different way's people scam so you can stay safe! Okay so the first one and the one I see the most is a Trust Trade. Before I tell you how this is used as a way to scam I will tell  you the different way's people say '' Trust Trade ''. One way people say Trust Trade is true me. another way people may say it is tt me! another way people may say it is trade, Or true me for 5 or 10 second's! And what they mean by that is, Well let's say the person trying to scam has a necklace on Animal Jam. Incase your new to Animal Jam and don't know what that is or its value, It's the cheapest store bought item in the game. So let's say the person trying to scam has a necklace on trade, And they say true me for five or ten second's if I decline you win my outfit, or trade list, or they might not say what you will '' win ''. If someone is doing that in the township DO NOT do it and DO NOT fall for it! And sometimes they do decline good trade's like Spike's, And Headdresses to gain your trust! Incase you don't know what that is cause your new, They are very good item's. One more thing you guy's should know about. Sometimes even New Jammer's try to do this scam, And that may mean most likely it's someone's storage account. And sometimes there is someone in the group who may say, Hey he wont scan! (people may say scan, scale, or scarf because AJ won't let you say scam.) And most likely that is either there main Animal Jam file or they are working together to trick people. If you see a New Jammer trying this It mean's one or two thing's. One it can mean its a storage account to someone else's main Animal Jam file. And the reason I think this the most is because I highly doubt a New Jammer will even know what a scam is or even how to scam since they just started. And even if there user name doesn't say New Jammer, Check there achievement's. If they only have a few then that mean's they waited until it doesn't say New Jammer anymore. I am sadly running low on time and cannot put in any more way's people scam today. But I can tomorrow! Check out my blog post tomorrow to see the rest of the way's people scam. Bye Jammer's, And remember Stay Safe From Scammer's!

1 comment:

  1. Very good post!!!! I hope this keeps people safe! Because about 700 people or more see this blog! Almost 1,000 !


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