
Monday, July 6, 2015

What's your favorite dog?

Hey everybody! Here's another post and it's gonna be about..... wait for it...... what's your favorite dog! It can be any dog, big

 or small!

 I'll tell what mine is tomorrow and also talk about dogs Brewster and Sasha!!! So leave your answer in the comments!!!


  1. (also talk about MY dogs) sorry lol

  2. Cool!! nice animated dog pic btw :D

  3. Oh yeah! I forgot to put my fave dog breed lol! I'd have to say... Maybe a Great Pyrenees! CoolCat have been talking and she said they are WONDERFUL guard dogs, their good with other dogs and cats! Sadly my mom is allergic to cats :( (i know that was really random but i kinda want a cat!) Lol

  4. Wonderful post! I would have to say my favorite dog breed's are a Great Pyrenees, and beagle mixes!


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