
Monday, August 10, 2015

I'm back!

Hey everyone! I'm back! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile! I've been busy. Camping was fun! I like to go walking on the trails with my Grandpa, his dog, and of course the kitten! It liked to come with us when we went for walks. Sometimes a doe and her fawns would come by our camp! They were really cute! There were also some bucks with big antlers! The last few days we were there, there were some big fires! Not by our camp but you could see the smoke. I think it's really sad when there is a forest fire! It's sad when the trees are all gone. But, they grow back eventually! I read that forest fires are actually good for the forest! They help the forest be clean and keep them healthy! I will post tomorrow! Sorry this wasn't very long!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back :D
    Thats really interesting about how forest fires are good for the forest!


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