
Thursday, August 13, 2015

More new items! And some helpful New Jammer tips!

Hey jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with yet more items! Yesterday after i did the Plushie Makeover Post , one of the authors i was hanging out with on AJ went to i believe her cousins den and they had this item in their den! (Which is yesterdays new item)

Sorry! I didnt bother to look in Epic Wonders yesterday. Thats why i didnt post about it. 
If you click on the Walk-In-Closet..

Cool huh? Anyways. Heres the Item worth.

Beta: Most likely never.
Rare: Most likely never.
Price: 950 gems (This isnt a bad price really. Because it has all this stuff inside)
Location: Coral Canyons, Epic Wonders
Item scale: 10/10

I really like this item! 
Okay. Now heres TODAYS new item(s)!

Item worth

Beta: Most likely never ever. 
Rare: Most likely never. 
Price: (Small plushie) 750 Carnival Tickets (Big plushie) 1,500 Carnival Tickets 
Location: Animal Jam, Summer Carnival
Item scale: 5/10 
Name of item(s): Kitty Plushie 

The new items are OKAY. I like the big Kitty Plushie better though. Like i always say, if you like it thats fine. 
Sorry, this post is going to be very long but very helpful! Because, our next topic is more New Jammer Help on how to block, report, and unbuddy. 
If someone is being very rude, inappropriate, scamming etc, I believe you have the right to report them. (If its ok with your parents that is.) To report someone just click the police badge on the players Animal Card

Then, choose what "subject" to report the player as.

To get this list click the +. Then when you chose the "subject" push REPORT. Now, ONLY do this if the person is being a bully, using bad words, personal info, scamming, inappropriate behavior, inappropriate username, or inappropriate den. 
Okay! Now to block some, simply click the tiger with a red / over it 

Then make sure you want to block them!

If you are positive you want to block them, push BLOCK. If you do not want to block them push CANCEL.
Now, to unbuddy someone, push the tiger with the green backround and the little X

Then, make sure you want to unbuddy them! 

Push the OK button if you wish to unbuddy them, push the NO button if you do not wish to unbuddy them. 

By the way, iliketoreadbooks123 IS NOT bad. Its one of my other accounts. It is just an example. Thank you.

Heres the verse of the day!

1 Peter 5:7 NLT

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you

Remember, God made YOU! 


  1. Nice post, and great tips! I am sure new Jammers will find this really helpful!

    - Arctic


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