
Thursday, August 6, 2015

New update! (Aka lots of photos enclosed...)

Hey jammers! graciepopstar91 here with a loooong post! Heres the Jamaa Journal!!

If you know me pretty well on AJ you would know i have a HUGE fear of bees... So this update is a little scary! Next page, 

Yes.. You can also get BEE PETS.. The good thing is its for non members! Next page,

Yep! The den item contest is back! You can now vote for, Glitchy Gear, Move Theater, or Steampunk Parlor! I voted for the Movie Theater! Who doesnt wanna pretend to watch a movie in your den?! Next page,

Yes! The Beta Party has returned! When im finished talking about the Jamaa Journal I will share the photos I took of the party! Next page,

Im a little angry Snow Leopards are returning.. Its a very long story.. Next page,

Just a little ad for the Pet Ferret :) 
Okay! Next topic is the Beta Party! Heres some photos!

Cool right? Sadly there are not true betas in this party and there are no clothing items :( 
But! There are new clothing items in Jam-Mart-Clothing!

Even though their bee themed items its still cute!
Also, theres new items in Jam-Mart-Furniture!

Not bad not bad! But theres one more item..

Yes.. Another halloween looking item... Anyways, heres todays verse of the day!

Matthew 22:37-39
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Remember God made YOU!

Play wild and... JAM ON!

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