
Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Update!

Hey Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! And yes today is update day! It seems there is a new adventure! It's called Graham's Workshop. On the side it also says Collect resource's and craft them into dozen's of incredible item's, in this new adventure that is for ALL Jammer's! *YAY FOR NON MEMBERS!* :Coughs:, The next thing in the news, is that Play Wild is now open for anyone to download if you have an Ipad! On the side it say's Bring the fun of Animal Jam to your Ipad and explore Jamaa in 3D with Animal Jam - Play Wild! Vist the app store to download AJ Play Wild for free! In the next page it say's that Snow Leopard's have returned! I have to say I am very pleased that they have returned, I personally love Snow Leopard's! And on the there half of that page there seems to be a back to school party! That say's: Your invited to Jamaa's newest party, So bring you backpack, book's, and your buddies and come show off your school spirit! And now for the next page (And my favorite page) I am very happy to announce that the great Lynx will be coming to Jamaa!! The page say's: Have you heard the AMAZING, FANTASTIC, and STUPENDOUS news, Jammer's? LYNXES the WILD CAT'S, will soon call Jamaa home! Oh my I just can't wait! But I do have to say I am quite surprised that there was no puzzle to solve and to figure out what animal it is, But hey I'm not complaining! Also on the other side of the page there is a video and it's called The Missing Lynx. Make sure you go check that out! On the next page it say's: You asked for it and now you got it: The new and improved achievement system is here!  Just click your animal picture and then the achievement button to see EVERY achievement in JAMAA and how to earn them! You can even see how close you are to your goal's! There are almost 250 amazing achievement's in Jamaa. How many do YOU want to earn? I personally think it is a good idea but in my opinion it takes the fun out of looking for news achievement's to earn yourself. But it is a good idea if there are a few SUPER hard one's someone may need help with. Okay the final page say's: Wild Explorer's: Click below or vist the Sarepia Theater to watch a cool new video that is ALL about honeybee's! Also on the other half of the page it say's: Be sure to adopt your own honeybee before they leave Jamaa in TWO WEEK'S! If you don't have a Honeybee make sure you get one before the next update in two week's! I hope you enjoyed my update post Jammer's! Comment down below what part of the new's was your favorite and least favorite! My favorite part of the new's was about the Lynx! My least favorite part was about the: What am I talking about?! I have no least favorite part of the news! Jam On Jammer's!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post CoolCat! I can't wait for the new animal! They look so cute in the Jamaa Journal!


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