
Sunday, June 5, 2016

This Week’s Jammer Spotlight, Blossom The New Alpha Story, And Write Your Own Story!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with this week’s Jammer Spotlight! This week’s Jammer Spotlight is sarahkey8! 

Congratulations Sarah! 

Also, as you can see, I added another story to AJFC! Its called Blossom The New Alpha! Click here to go to the page. 

If you like writing Animal Jam Based stories, please comment below with a short AJ Story! But remember to follow the commenting rules! And also, please do not include any magic, or horror in your story. I do not think magic is good, and horror may scare some younger viewers. Sorry! 

Heres todays Bible verse!

Isaiah 40:31 

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. (sarahkey8) Thanks! Sometimes you should do YOU in the Jammer Spotlight! (AJ Adventurer)

  2. (sarahkey8) I know a song you might like Nature Girl! The Same Love by Paul Baloche! And when is the next chapter to Blossom The New Alpha!? I'm excited for it! You do a GREAT job with stories! :) (AJ Adventurer)

    1. I posted it on the Daily Explorer! I will post it on here soon :)

  3. (Sparklezs) Hi Nature Girl! how are you doing? I don't comment on the D.E much or play AJ, (in less of course you are on!) Just to clear up why I'm not on NEARLY as much as sarahkey8! lol, I assume she told you are idea for a new story once she is done with The MIssing Pig Hearstone?? ;) (Sparkly Unicorn)

    1. Hi! I'm doing alright ! How are you? And yes. sarahkey8 told me about the idea!

  4. (sarahkey8) I was doing my school, and every once in a while there are little stories that have Bible verses and lessons with them. this was today's My son Sinners Entice Thee, consent then not. (Proverbs 1:10) Mother wanted to make bread and then discovered that the flour was all gone. So she sent Ray to the store several blocks away to buy some flour. Close to the store, Ray saw a crowd of boys. They had cornered a dog and were enjoying a game of throwing sticks and stones at it. A boy who knew Ray said, "Come join us. This is fun." Ray answered "I won't join you. Hurting and teasing animals i very cruel." the other boy's unkind answer made Ray feel unhappy. but he went to the store and brought the flour. THE END
    It's a good story, but.. why didn't he help the dog? sometimes not helping is the same thing as hurting

    1. Good point! But maybe the object was to be careful in the things you do, or watch, or even read!

    2. How do I get a jammer spotlight?

  5. King Tough Bunny
    How do you make a blog? i would LOVE to start one

    1. Hi! To make a blog, go to and type in the required information to create a blog, and blogger account.

  6. btw here is a song i thought you would like
    "While I'm Waiting" it's by John Waller

    1. I believe I have heard that song!

    2. Rockin' out to "Death Of Me" by Royal Tailor! I promise, it's not what it sounds like. ;) Ever heard them? They're great. (DXplorergirl)

  7. OK King Tough Bunny one more time, i'm just wondering i'm writing a book it's about dragons, and a boy named Samuel, there is NOTHING BAD IN IT! But my mom won't let me get a blog so i was wondering if i could post them on here? i just wan't people to know about it, and tell me what they think about it. It's ok if you say no, i was just wondering :smile:
    King Tough Bunny

    1. Sure!!! Just make sure there's no magic or horror :)

  8. opps forgot to add this, the reason i ask is because you let people like Cool Cat, and Azul Artist write things, but it's probaly cuz you know them in real life right? :sad:

    1. I know Azul in real life but not CoolCat. But I feel as if we do!

  9. (sarahkey8) Here is a little sneak peak of what The Missing Pig Hearstone is going to be for tomorrow! :D The Missing Pig Heartstone chapter 5
    After they had a snack, Snowflake set up a tent. Then both of the tired Alphas went to sleep, well Peck did. Snowflake couldn't get to sleep because Peck kept mumbling stuff about art, glitter, color crystals, paint, colored pencils, makers, colors, and more. Snowflake groaned and sat up. “I'll just go out for a little.” Snowflake whispered to herself. She padded out of the tent. Snowflake looked up and saw Zios and Mira, the brightest stars in Jamaa. Suddenly Zios and Mira disappeared! Snowflake gasped
    this isn't all of it, only a little peak! Tomorrow I'll do the full one! :) (AJ Adventurer)

  10. (sarahkey8) Please reply for this! I might do when the Phantoms show up with the Pig Hearstone, and one of the Phantoms poison Peck to make her mind weird. then the Phantoms say We'll give you The Pig Hearstone for your new Alpha! plzz reply idk if it's a good idea ornot! (AJ Adventurer)

    1. Cool! But what do you mean they could steal the new alpha?

    2. nvm about that idea! lol maybe something LIKE that after Thursday! :D (AJ Adventurer)


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