
Friday, August 12, 2016

News Crew - Interview With An Athlete - By: Pinpun!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Today, I decided to start a new blogging series! I was looking on my friend, Pinpun's, blog, and saw she was feeling kind of upset because she didn't get featured in News Crew. So I decided that, if one of my buddies doesn't make it into News Crew, and they put their essay in the comments, or on their blog, I will most likely feature it! (As long as it is appropriate, and doesn't include language, or bad stuff in it.) Im kicking this new blogging series off with an essay by Pinpun! The News Crew theme was interviewing an athlete! Here it is!


News Crew – Interview with an Athlete
Hiya there Jammers! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional athlete? Well, today I have with me a very special guest: Eternal Spiritmoon! She has competed in over fifty competitions worldwide, and this year, the Summer Games for Track and Field!
Eternal: Hey Jammers, how have your summer’s been so far?
So let’s get to the interview, shall we?
Major: What was the best advice that you’ve ever been given?
Eternal: Probably to never give up on your dreams, so many people do every day, and it’s important to not be one of those people!
Major: That’s some great advice! What do you think your greatest achievement to date is?
Eternal: That would have to be when I won a gold medal in the one hundred meter dash last year. What a thrill!
Major: What are some of your best memories as a professional athlete?
Eternal: Making the team for the Summer Games, as well as all of the friends I’ve made at competitions. They help me when I’m down, and cheer me on when I compete.
Major: Those must be great friends! And now for our last question, what got you interested in sports in the first place?
Eternal: Well when I was in school all of my friends told me how fast I was, me being a cheetah and all, so I tried out for a local team and trained hard, and now here I am!
Major: It was a pleasure talking to you Eternal!
Eternal: Thanks for having me Major.
All right jammers, now it’s time for a short quiz to see how well you payed attention to that pawsome interview! Question one: What sport does Eternal compete in? ……. If you answered Track and Field, you’re correct! Question two, what was the best advice Eternal has ever heard? DING DING DING! Time’s up. The answer is: To never give up on your dreams!
Great job to you, and good luck to Eternal in her future competitions!
-Major Spiritmoon


Congratulations Pin! Please check your Jam-A-Gram inbox Pin for your prize!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Galatians 5:14

For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Aw... This really made my day! Oh my gosh, I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you so much Gracie!


  2. You would not believe your eyes if ten million fire flies, lit up the world as I fell asleep. Srry random owl city song XD

  3. Nice report! Also, think you guys could help me out with something? I'm one of several gift "fairies" on another site, and I'm looking for a unique message to put with each item I sometimes gift. But I have no creative ideas for a flying larkspur flower... Do you guys? If so, can you jag me in-AJ so I find them quicker?
    ♥ Princess Shybunny

  4. I just finished mine for the News Crew - Favorite Summer Games Event I hope I win

  5. Just wondering Gracie, please reply could I post another story here? I know it's been a LONG time. So I thats why I'm asking ty!

  6. I haven't done this in a long time.. I hope I have the right chapter...

    Snowflake's Phantom Daughter? Chapter 7

    Everyone gasped. "Your not my mom." Fauna said "Yes she is." another voice said "Prince!" Snowflake exclaimed "Yes, thank the Lord you escaped." Snowflake smiled "I already did." she said softly Fauna looked at both of them. Memories flooded into her mind.. Her as a cub, being taken away by the Phantoms. "You are my parents.." she whispered Then they all embraced. The Alphas clapped. "Snowflake, you dropped this." Sir Gilbert said Giving Snowflake her healing staff. Greely grumbled something. Sir Gilbert glared at Greely. "Whats wrong with them?" Snowflake whispered to Liza, Peck, Graham, and Cosmo. "I don't know. Lately they have been fighting." Peck answered "Why?" Snowflake asked "I don't know." Graham answered "Guess thats my next quest." Snowflake said with a wink.


  7. Om, I just noticed how many typos are in my story.. XD XD


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