
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Old Poll, New Poll!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Today, I will be talking about the Old Poll, and the New Poll! Here was the old one.

Its a little bit hard to see, but, Tic-Tac-Toe got 0 votes, Rock-Paper-Scissors got 0 votes, Marbles got 2 votes, Scooped got 2 votes, Pairs got 1 vote, The Shell Game got 1 vote, Bowling got 6 votes, and Four Gem won with 8 votes! 

The New Poll is called, "How Did You Find AJFC?"

You can answer, "I saw a link to it on someones blog!", "A friend told me about it.", "I googled one of your bloggers username." or, "Other". 

Have fun voting!

Heres todays Bible verse! 

Proverbs 16:24

Kind words are like honey-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Remember, God made YOU! 


  1. I love new polls! :) :D :) And btw
    I have a chance to do come on Friday. NOOOOOOOOOOO I really want to go but I might not be able to! I'LL TRY TO THOUGH

    1. (And no this has nothing to do when I got the time mixed up XD)

    2. My sis ^^^ Told me about it
      King Tough Bunny

  2. I most likely wont be able to go to the party today. I'll tell u if anything changes. I want to go soooo bad but I don't think I'll be able to :(

  3. BTW I think the real reason Tic Tac Toe and Rock Paper Scissors, didn't get any is because those Games you can do in real life almost anytime lol, and the others are just more fun lolz
    What is your Fav Gracie?
    *King Tough Bunny

  4. I had a blast at the party! TYSM for inviting me! :D



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