
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Summer Carnival Is Leaving In TWO DAYS! *CRI CRI* Recommended Item List?

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! And today since the Summer Carnival is leaving, I wanted to talk about it before its gone! But then I though, what should I talk about..? I love the Summer Carnival! But I have to admit, lag and computer problems have kept me from playing the carnival games. So I thought I couldn't talk about that. So then I thought, I could talk about the items for sale! So here we go!

I find that my number one problem when the Summer Carnival goes away, is that I needed an item from the shop! So then I end up recycling tons of needed items to bye one item each. Then I recycle all those item's I got from the carnival, because I needed to rebuy what I recycled in the first place!! Then I try to trade for a few different items I bought at the Summer Carnival, then recycled. Then as I'm trying to trade either nobody has what I'm looking for, or people want over trades! How many of you honestly fall into that cycle? Comment below if that sounds like you! Anyways. So I was thinking I could give you guys a list of recommended items that you will probably need while the summer carnival is away! I will break this down for clothing items, den items, member items, and non-member items! I will list 5 items in each group. These are also just my opinions based on my past experiences.

Member Clothing Item List:
1. Camera. Why? It could be useful in role plays. And its just a great item all around!
2. Raccoon Tail. Why? Tail items are pretty hard to come by that don't cost Diamonds. And these are super stylish!
3. Feathered Bird Hat. Why? This is pretty much a no brainer for nature lovers!
4. Disguise Glasses. Why? Jokesters will always want to have this item on hand!
5. Parasol. Why? I just think the is a great, under-rated back item!

Non-Member Clothing Item List:
1. Umbrella Hat. Why? Who wants be caught in the rain without their Umbrella Hat?!
2. Beanie. Why? They are super easy to use when making looks!
3. Star Hat. Why? Just like the Beanie, they are super easy to make looks with!
4. Sun Hat. Why? If you ever want to bring a little sunshine during the winter, this is your go to hat!
5. Moon Hat. Why? This item will save your life if your in a fashion show and need to dress in your PJ'S!

Member Den Item List:
1. Rainbow Balloon Archway. Why? I don't know how many times I have needed party themed items and didn't have any! These will save your life of you need to decorate for a party.
2. Balloon Phantom. Why? These are a must have for the up coming season. And even if you just like phantom themed dens! Plus the other color options are super awesome!
3. Ice Cream Cart. Why? It doesn't have to be summer time for you to enjoy this!
4. Ring Of Fire. Why? These could make for an awesome den entrance!
5. Bumper Car. Why? What's better then a random game of Bumper Cars in your den with your buddies?!

Non-Member Den Item List:
1. Bundle Of Balloons. Why? Just like for the Rainbow Balloon Archway, its a must-have for parties!
2. Carnival Flags. Why? Again, these are awesome for parties!
3. Carnival Lights. These are really cool den items for any den style!
4. Pet Owl Plushie. Why? Its super cute, so why not?!
5. Pet Fox Plushie. Why? I think the small version of this plushie is cuter then the larger version!

And that's all for today, Jammer's! Remember, the Summer Carnival leaves THIS THURSDAY! So make sure you play all the games you can, earn or buy your tickets, and most importantly, don't forget to buy your items!!

As always. Bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. Wait, did they get rid of the pet den items? Or are you just counting regular??

  2. Guess they got rid of all the pet items.... accept for the pet tent. (I think?) WHO CARES I ALREADY HAVE ALL OF IT FROM LAST YEAR! XDD

  3. i think i will get some of these items now.



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