
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Art - Ja983, And Highlighted Art - Part 3!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Yesterday, Ja983 said she wanted me to draw her! So yesterday night I got to work on it! Here is the finished product!

I know it's not the best, so if you would like any changes on it, feel free to tell me in the comments! 

If you would like me to draw your AJ Avatar, please comment below with your animal name, username, if you would like a pet near you (if so which pet), and what color you would like your username in.  


Today, I've decided to do another post, highlighting art around Jamaa! This time I will be highlighting 7 masterpieces. Here they are! 

An adorable Masterpiece my friend Lostfairy gave to me as a prize for winning her Back To School Fashion Show Contest! 

A Snowyclaw Masterpiece, drawn by Lostfairy! 

A truly breathtaking version of Starry Night, drawn by Windycityblues! It really looks like Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night! Here is a picture of the one by Van Gogh. 

Pretty similar! 

A drawing of Greely, by WisteriaMoon! I think the phantom frame works really good with this drawing. 

I thought this drawing was so cute! This one is by Clancats1116! 

This drawing has so much detail in it. Its by Froghopper68! 

And finally, another one by Windycityblues! The real painting is called American Gothic. Heres a picture of the real drawing! Its by Grant Wood. 

Amazing job everyone! 

Heres todays Bible verse!

2 Thessalonians 3:5

May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.

Remember, God made YOU! 


  1. TY for drawing me! LOOKS G.R.E.A.T!!! XD
    ALL of those are really cool! XD
    *King Tough Bunny

  2. Thanks so much for adding my art! :D

    With all these spectacular pieces of art, mine feel messy. XD Oh well.

    Thanks again! Your so sweet! <3


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