
Monday, October 17, 2016

Rare Pirate Sword

Heyooooo, Jammers!

Today we've got a whopper of an RIM, and it's name is the Rare Pirate Sword!

It is a non-Member Rare Item, and will likely cause a big stir in the trading market!

Of course, non-Rare non-Member Pirate Swords (I nominate that for Mouthful Of The Year) will be just as "rare", as in hard to get, so don't worry about your assets devaluing too much, NM Pirate Sword collectors. ;)

However, with the introduction of this new item, the demand for NM Pirate Swords will likely decrease, so be prepared to see a drop in the frequency of trade offers for your old Pirate Swords.

This spooky-colored item was a wonderful addition to HQ's repertoire of RIMs! Tell us what you think will come next!



  1. This RIM is amazing! :D I brought like 72 throughout all my accounts... XD

  2. I love the rare!! It's got great colors, it's finally non-members, and it's an epic sword!!

  3. Btw Graice, I might be changing my story idea. It might be, The Beta Days Return not as we thought. I am already done with my story. But if this turns out better then my first one, I am going with it. Just a heads up! :)

  4. Sarahkey8, Go to my den. I have a surprise. Everyone else is welcome too! You can go through the portal! Its amazing!

    -Onlyifyoureturn (its my username I am a new Jammer)

    1. I searched your username, and I couldn't find you! :o


    2. I sent you a JAG, you should be able to do it from there!


  5. no post for a week? :(


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