
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Animal Friends Entry 2

The trip to the meadows was pleasant.
 there were flowers there that time of year and there were rocks to climb, and there was a little pond there, Kids liked to play there because there was a playground and a tree swing and they could sail their boats on the pond. Jenny James and Philip even built a fort by the woods! 
You could build a fort too if you asked the owner, Mr. Lank he owned the land, he graciously let people play on his land, he didn’t really use that part of the land anyway. He would sometimes come and sit on the bench near the playground and watch the kids play, and have fun. 
But when James Philip and Jenny got there, no one was there.
 “good Said Philip, no noise and no one to bother us and the horses” 
they all walked to the fort. 
“How long have we had this fort?” Asked Jenny 
“I think about 2 years now, Said James, we’ve had it a while”
 “I’d say about 1 year" Said Philip, "we haven’t had it for that long” 
they walked inside the fort. Inside the fort, they had a table three chairs, a cabinet on the wall with a first aid kit just in case they found an animal that was hurt, and some blankets to keep it warm. Jenny wanted to be a vet like her Mom, so sometimes when they went for a ride she would take the first aid kit. And Philip, he knew about the weather and stuff but Philip knew a lot about animals too, Philip read many books about animals and he knew a lot of names for a lot of different animals, and he knew about what things they liked to eat, and they’re markings. James was skilled in tracking, if the others saw a track and didn’t know what animal it belonged to and wanted to know they would call James over, and he would say something like, “that looks like a raccoon” and sometimes he could tell how long ago the animal had been there. The others asked him how he did it but he just answered, “It all depends on how it looks” and that was that. 
When the kids were getting ready to go into the woods one of their friends came up 
“hey everyone what are you doing?” 
“Oh hi Benny, Said Jenny, with a smile, we’re just getting ready to go into the woods” 
“can I come!” Asked the excited boy 
“sure Benny Said James, you can ride with me, we were just going out to the cabin. 
“Yes!" Said Benny, I get to ride with you! Blaze is the best horse ever!”
 “I think so too” Said James, with a laugh 
“when I get big like you guys, Said Benny, I’m going to have a horse, and a dog too!” “Maybe Benny” Said Philip, laughing it’s take a lot of effort to take care of a horse, you have to feed it, groom it, and other things”
 “forget it," Benny said looking sadly at the ground, "my Mom would never let me get a horse” 
“maybe she will, Said Jenny, you never know” 
“maybe” Said Benny. 
“Ok Said Philip, are we going to leave now?” 
“Yes" Said James, "let’s go” 
“yea!” Said Benny, 
when they got to the cabin Benny shouted, “This place is so cool!” He yelled, 
“shhhh, Said James, to Benny, if your quite we might be able to see the animals”
 "ok" Said Benny, but after a few minutes, Benny said. “I haven’t seen any animals at all” he sighed,
 “shhhh” Said Jenny.
 Just then a raccoon ran across the path and ran up a tree 
“cool I’ve never seen a raccoon!” Said Benny, 
“see?" Said James, "if you just wait long enough and your quite you'll be able to see things!” After an hour of playing games, and watching animals, they all headed back to the meadow. “I think I should go home now" Said Benny, "its all most dinner time,”
 “ok bye Benny!” Said Philip, 
“bye” Said Jenny, and James
 “goodbye” Said Benny, and off he ran. 
“I haven’t seen Benny for a while it
 was nice to see him again” Said Philip,
 “yeah Said James, he’s a nice kid”
 “I think we should go home now too Said Jenny, we can head over to the store to check out that poster for the horse contest and then head home”
 “ok Said James, "let’s go.
 As they were getting ready to go, Philip said. “Guys look by the woods over there”
 “what is it?” Asked James
 “it’s a dog” Said Philip,
 “your right" Said Jenny, "but whose dog is it?”
 “And what should we do?” asked Jame
“I don’t know," Said Philip, "maybe we should try to get a closer look at the dog, maybe he has a collar, or maybe he lives around here, is he Mr. Lank’s?”
 “I don’t think he has a dog” Said Jenny.
 “I’m going to try to get closer to him,” Said James, 
James went into the woods and the then came out a closer to the dog James saw that the dog had no collar and was looking thin; the dog sniffed the air, the dog turned around quickly, and looked at James with frightened eyes. James walked forward and reached out a hand to pat the dog, the dog backed up quickly but he didn’t run away.
 “It's ok” Said James, he reached out his hand again,
 but the dog apparently didn’t think it was ok, he looked at James one more time with frightened eyes and then he backed up and ran into the woods 
“all most" Said James, 
“did the dog have a collar?” Asked Jenny
 “no” Said James,
 “then how do we find out whose dog that is?” asked Philip.
 “I don’t know" Said James, "but we need to find out. 
*King tough Bunny

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