
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Animal Friends Entry 4

And off they went to the meadow. 
It was a beautiful day a few clouds in the sky but beautiful.
The first think James did when they got there, “I’m going to put some meat in the middle of the field so then maybe the dog will come over and start eating. 
That’s a good idea" Said Philip, 
"do it” James put the meat down on a rock. 
They all walked inside to the fort, sat down; they waited, and waited and waited. 
After 15 minutes of waiting, James looked around the field the dog was nowhere to be found. 
Jenny looked at the field, and then at James and asked. 
Do you think we should go into the woods now?” “Wait whispered Philip I see something golden!” Jenny and Philip walked over to the window and looked where Philip was pointing and yes, they saw it to something golden.
 They saw the dog sticking his head out of the woods, sniffing the air, and looking around, the dog walked out of the wood but then. 
snap a twig broke the dog ran back into the woods. 
After a few seconds.
 the dog peeked out of the woods again, glancing around once more to see if it was safe, he didn't see anything, so the dog walked out to the meat and started eating hungrily.
 “Do you think we should go out now?” Asked Philip.
yes” Said James. 
They all walked out quietly and stood by the fort, the dog didn’t see them. 
I’m going to walk towards him” Said Philip,
but go slow James warned he really jumped when the branch snapped.” 
Right” whispered Philip.
 Philip started walking; the dog looked up and started to back up.
its right" Philip said in a calming voice "I’m a friend.” 
The dog stopped and looked at him. 
Philip started to reach out his hand very slowly the dog watched him carefully. 
Then the trouble started, for some reason Jeff started barking, the dog looked over barked back a couple of times, and ran away into the woods. “Really Jeff” James said.
when Philip came back, Jeff was still barking.
We should follow him,” Said Jenny, 
yes” Said Philip.
Ok" Said James. 
"but we have to be quiet and we need to keep Jeff quiet” he said looking at his dog. 
now Said Jenny, where should we go?”
The abandon cabin maybe?” suggested Philip “Perfect!" Said James.

Cool Animal Fact: A leader of a wolf pack is called the Alpha.

*King Tough Bunny

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