
Monday, November 7, 2016

Fire and Smokey

ja983 here Jammers! :cough cough:
I'm am not feeling my best right now I have a bad stuffy nose and a sore throat! But I finally got out of bed to do this post.
This post is about my cats Fire and Smokey, I know it's not Animal Jam related but I know a lot of you want to know what they look like and things.

This is Fire, isn't she so cute! I love the stripe down her head, and her dipstick (the black part on the end of her tail) Fire is the spazzy kitty cat who loves to run with you! When we first got her she would chase your feet up the stairs, She gave up after awhile for obvious reasons.

This is Smokey, Smokey and Fire their names together so cute also! Smokey is the blob that just sits there under our Dad's desk, She'll come out sometimes, but mainly at night or in the morning, when the little kids aren't out. But everyone still loves her, for the little kids she's just a big walking pillow.

Here are funny cat story's about both of them.
Fire: I am by far Fires favorite person, she comes into my room every night, and pretty much is the only one she doesn't mind picking her up.
Fire and me LOVE to do little games.
Hide and Seek, I hide in a different room from her, and hide somewhere not to hard, most of the time just behind a door or basket, and then I call her a few times and waits, every once and awhile I need to keep calling, and eventually she finds me! Cute right?
Here is another one, I was just on the computer, I think writing, and Fire is behind the computer, so I poke my head over and say, "Fire" then I put my head down, I did that a few times, THEN FIRE JUMPED ON THE COMPUTER! And not the box the MONITOR! So I'm like "FIRE! OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF!"
At night time, when Fire comes in my room. When she wants to go out she does three things,
1. Meow at the door
2. Go on my dresser and knock stuff off!
3. Walk on ME and stare in my face, or vibrate her paws, lol
Fire is such a funny kitty, I made up a nick name for her Fluffy Nutter, and this is her full name.
Fire Mc Fluffy (Plus my real last night XD)
Smokey: Smokey as I told you is a blob, but sometimes she will play! :gasp!: Yes you heard right Smokey plays! It is SOO funny when you get her playing with a lazzer, you can make her back and forth SO funny! Once Smokey broke a lamp! Smokey weighs almost 15 pounds! LOL.
Anyway in my brothers room they had this little light table, on it they had a lamp, Smokey came into their room, and started looking out the window, then when she wanted to get off, she decided to go on the little table, so the table goes over, and the lamp shatters, my mom was not happy at all! and only two days ago she almost knocked over a computer! she was on the computer box on her side, and I just gave her a LITTLE scratch on her tummy, AND SHE ROLLS OFF THE COMPUTER! luckily i caught the computer before it landed on the table, it wouldn't have broke but it could have gotten a scratch which my dad really doesn't like on his computer.
Smokey has a LOT of nick names, Balob, (blob) Smoky Pokey, (and pretty much everything that rhymes with Smokey) Blubber Blober, AND A LOT MORE
I will post sometimes about how the cats are doing XD
 *King Tough Bunny

COOL Animal Fact!  Did you know that there are over 340 breeds of dogs!

Just when I thought the post was done! Just when you think your cat couldn't get cuter!
I went to my room to go lay down again, 
I see Fire on my bed almost asleep, next to my pillow chum!
And I knew I couldn't do this post without having that picture on!
*King Tough Bunny


  1. I showed my Dad the picture of Fire, and I noticed something, it looked like Fire had a little mustache! My dad said: I shall name him Guido! :3 hehe

    Remember, God made YOU!

  2. Awwwww, kittiiiiiiez! *giant heart eyes* They're soooooo cuuuuuuute!! :D :D :D

    I know you guys have a cold going around. :( Sarah said in her Long Comment on my blog. Hope you guys feel better real fast!



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