
Saturday, November 12, 2016


Hola jammer! ja983 is back again.
Today I'm going to post a few pictures that are glitchy! (You guys love glitchy don't you?)

This was a glitch that Sarahkey8 got, it showed that she had more trading item slots!
That would be nice if that really happened

Crystal Sands,
Can you find where this is? 
You can just walk right into the wall!

between Coral Canons, and Crystal Sands. 
You Change your animal at the end of the path and try to walk through the door!

Tierney's Aquariums
This is a really well known glitch, in  
you change animals and go  onto the water!

Jamma Township,
 change animals and walk right into the pathway!

Crystal Sands,
You change animal right before you go on the slide, then when you come down your still in a sitting position! 

Hantued Manor Den 
Notice the pet floating on the goo? In other liquids the pet sinks in!
It looks so funny with the hamsters play

I just found this glitch when I was looking for someone with the Haunted Manor den, when I found someone, I went to their den, and it was REALLY laggy, and it showed I was in Jamaa Township it even had the music!

This is just a picture I did when I was member when AJHQ 
first released Glitchy stuff, they did a contest and this was my picture. XD

I hope you enjoyed those cool glitches! I love finding new glitches most of them are pretty funny!
*King Tough Bunny
(Ty for this picture Grace!)

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