
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

In Loving Memory... Of Cookie.

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with a quick post!

Last week, my buddy Swirlshine's, guinea pig, Cookie, passed away. In memory of this pet, I made a drawing of her, and Swirlshine.

I hope you like it! 

I will turn it into a masterpiece, as soon as I get enough diamonds for Lostfairy's, and yours. 

Heres todays Bible verse!

Psalm 100:2

Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. awww! That's really nice Grace!
    Really sorry about Cookie Swirl :(
    *King Tough Bunny

  2. guys, for Christmas I'm not going to get member, unless I get some unexpected money from my Uncles and Aunts
    *King Tough Bunny

  3. Oh


    You guys are so kind! I'm literally gonna cry because I've been shown so many pictures honoring Cookie.
    I don't know what to say.
    All of you guys are too extraordinary for words.

  4. Wow
    I just found a Christian Animal Jam blog
    I am among friends

    1. Hi! :D *waves* You sure are! ;)

      Welcome to the blog!


    2. *waves back* Yo!

    3. Yay! Welcome to the Animal Jam Friendship Community!
      *King Tough Bunny

    4. Can you guys please pray for my grandma, she's currently in the ER. We don't know exactly what happened, it was kind of like a stroke. She got really weak. Please pray for her to get better, I have hope that she will because she is one of the healthiest 78-year olds the doctors have ever seen. D:


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