
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Jamaa Journal Vol. 186: Toucan Art Box!

(The title is a mashup of this weeks update)

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here 😊! Today Animal Jam did an update! Lets take a look at the Jamaa Journal, shall we?

Toucans are here! On AJ, they look pretty small.. But the question is, are Toucans smaller then a bunny?

Turns out, Toucans are a tad bit smaller when sitting, compared to a bunny! Pretty strange.
Lets take a look at page 2!

Theres a new 2D adventure! It's called The Phantom Badlands. I have not yet completed this adventure, but I plan to either tomorrow, or on Saturday. I am curious to see if this adventure has anything to do with the bottle messages!
Now for the 3rd page!

On the left side of the page, it says how theres a new den! This den is almost an exact replica of the Masterpiece Gallery Party. Except in this den, theres no shop. Heres a quick video of the new den, with my masterpieces in it!

What do you think of these videos? Should I continue doing them? Be sure to comment below!
On the right side of the page, it says that Pet Llamas have arrived! I haven't gotten one, but they are quite cute!
Now for page 4.

Theres new spikes on Animal Jam! These spikes are similar to both Non-Rare ones, but if you look closely, the spikes have two colors. One base color, and one different color at the tips. It is an interesting concept! But when someone has one of these spikes on trade, they look sorta weird..

Compared to:

Quite strange...
Now for page 5!

On the left side of the page, it says theres a new Royal Outfit! The crown seems like a great item to make an outfit for King in Lizzy's Diary 😉. On the right side of the page, theres a Sketch Jam video, on how to draw a Toucan! I'm going to "attempt" to draw this tomorrow. 
Now for the last page!

I couldn't believe this when I saw this. I excitedly typed in the website name,, and looked at the website. I was a little disappointed when I realized it cost a lot. It costs roughly around 90-100 dollars for a year subscription of this box. But for one box, its $25, and you only get 4-5 items. It's a little pricy, but it sure is exciting! 

What did you think of todays update? Be sure to comment below! 

Heres todays Bible verse!

Jude 1:20-21

But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God's love.

And remember, God will only give you eternal life in Heaven, if you have a true relationship with him, and love him with all your heart.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Kraft update review-
    1. I don't really like the toucans cri
    2. I LOVE THE ADVENTURE. I've already playing it twice, trying to get every prize :P
    3. I love the den but sadly I have barely any diamonds
    4. Cute but I don't really need any more pets right now...
    5. I don't really like any of the new spikes. I was hoping for a pale orange or raspberry and purple colour, but instead we get whatever these are XD
    6. Don't really care and don't really care
    7. I would actually buy this, but it only ships to the US and Canada. And I guess I already have adobe creative cloud and my animal jam membership, and my parents probably wouldn't let me.

    I rate the update 29/10 because of the adventure

  2. 1. Toucans are adorable!!!!!! :D
    3. That den is BEAUTIFUL! :D
    4. Pet llamas. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Um, the video isn't there???? But I do like your videos! :D
    5. Those spikes are very cool! Sadly I wont be able to buy any. 64 DIAMONDS TO WASTE. ;)
    6. Royal outfit is cool! :D
    7. Haven't watched it yet. Though I will be sure to do so!
    8. My mom would never let me get it sadly. At least there are AJ toys at our Walmart! :D

    This update was really sweet! Also, nm's can use the chat log!!!

    Going to Walmart after dinner, then I have a surprise!

  3. Love the new backround! PET TURKEYS!

  4. nvm! The video wasn't showing before, but now it is


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