
Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Hey Kara! graciepopstar91 here! I just finished up your Signature Pack! Here it is! Please comment below, or Jam-A-Gram me on Animal Jam if the Signatures need any changes.

I wasn't too happy with the way this one turned out. Do you want me to change the colors? Please let me know! 

Peace, love, and ninjas! Hehe. 

Heres today's Bible verse! (As seen below)

Philippians 4:6

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Hey, EPIC! :D :D :D

    Now I know Dan is extremely late... DX His bus broke down. He had to walk.


  2. Actually, in answer to the color-change question, it's just fine the way it is. :)

    The greem letter are gr8! <-- (How many typos can you make in five words? *rolls eyes* Ugh.)

    However, if you're unhappy with it (as you said in the post ^.^), I would suggest maybe a middle-tan color for the background? It oughta give the white part of the letters more definition. :)

    Thanks! Totally cool! :D :D :D


    1. Okay! I'll work on changes the colors tonight :)! Thanks for the suggestion!

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. Hi, I'm muslim.
    Nice post!

  4. I like all of these!
    Grace can you make me a signature? XD
    *King Tough Bunny

    1. Aw thanks CX!
      Sure! Would you like a "mystery" signature pack? Or a personalized pack? (Personalized pack meaning the colors of your choice, graphics of your choice, etc.) or do you just want one signature? If so, mystery or personalized?

      Remember, God made YOU!

  5. *gasp* EPIC new header! :D Cooo-well! (So much for no more weird pronunciations. ^-^)


  6. uhhhhhh for now let's do the mystery pack? XD
    *King Tough Bunny

    1. Okay! It should be ready between tomorrow and Sunday XD


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