
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Rare Candy Cane Tie, Explanations, And Anouncements

Hello, Jammers!

This is Karalee, with quite a good bit of news to impart to your eager, spongelike minds. XD

Firstly, the Rare Candy Cane Tie is on sale as our RIM this week, but I am rather pressed for screenshots at the moment. That is, however, part of my next subject, aptly titled Explanations.

Do any of you remember a post in which I mentioned that the HP computer I need to use for Masterpieces (and the one with Snipping Tool on it) was to be sent away for repairs? Well, it was. That small inconvenience could be worked around by using our Chromebook, or so I thought.

As it turned out, the Chromebook developed a problem with its charger shortly after the large laptop was put in the mail. It is at this moment sitting next to the wall in the living room with a dead battery, and with no prospect of reawakening.

Thankfully, we have a good backup plan, our trusty 2007 Gateway, whom I have named Susan. CX Nine yars old, and still functioning well. She is an example to laptops everywhere. That said, there are naturally some processing speed issues that come with the honored old age of computers. This explains my general absence from Animal Jam lately.

The second explanation, I have utterly no excuse for. I know there has been no Frogsloth from me in two weeks, and... I just.... *sigh* *puts head on desk* Inspiration flies from me, ya know? There's nothing. Where the continuing story should be, my mind is a blank, white wall.

What I do have for you should help to make up for it a bit, though! :D Inspiration has struck me for this iteration of Jammer-written fiction, Jamaasian High - Karalee Edition!

Since Jamaasian High is a place with many people, I wish to write my characters to the best of my ability, with accuracy and with detail. :) Therefore, I would like to ask some questions of those who would like to be added into the story, to help me in writing the characters accurately.

Here's a link to my questionnaire page, because it is quite long to add here.

I hope you enjoy this! Please forgive me for the shortcomings in this post, and I hope to be back to normal posting as soon as possible.

Until next time,


P.S.  Can't add a signature. The image file is on the other computer. -_-


  1. Aww, I get what you mean about the inspiration leaving you. I know that's like. :P

    O,O HOW MANY JH WILL BE AROUND?!!! I mean, yeah, go ahead, you can write it. It's just that there are other Jamaasian stories that are in need of writing. XD

    But that's all good! Enjoy writing JH! :)

  2. Nice Blog! I remember that you used to visit the Animal Jam Sky Blog. I have PAWESOME news! I am returning to the Animal Jam Sky Blog. I would love your support as I come back to Jamaa and the Sky Blog. Please spread the news ^-^

    --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    Here is my info. Pls read :3

    Name: Flora

    Last name: Cutegirl

    Girl or boy: Girl

    Height: I don't know exactly, medium, to short.

    Weight (approximate is fine, for illustrating purposes): Sort of skinny for my age and height (I'm a little taller than a few kids in my class XD), about 80-85 pounds

    Age: 2 XD Imma not share my age :P

    Hair color: Dark blonde and a little orange-ish. I don't know the name of that color lol.

    Eye color: Big blue-ish green eyes :3

    Skintone: Light/pale

    Hairstyle and length: Lonnnnnnnnng straight hair.


    Top: Dark blue long-sleeved shirt
    Pants/skirt: Tight jeans :P
    Jacket, if applicable: When it's cold I wear that HUGE coat that makes me look like a fluffball XD
    Shoes: Black Nike sneakers with an electric blue Nike logo
    Backpack: Red Polo
    Other: Beanie, at times. Not at school, though, I never wear accessories at school because I don't want to lose them XD
    Short backstory/background:
    Flora's life story:

    Loves maths and science.
    Loves cats.
    Loves The Cranberries band and other rock bands.

    Personality in five adjectives:
    Awkward XD
    Cheerful (at times)
    Either shy,or a rebel XD

    Most positive character trait(s):
    Positive,thoughtful and patient.

    Most negative character trait(s):

    What character thinks is most positive trait(s):
    The rebel thing. I'm a revolter at times. No-one can make me feal uneasy B)

    What character thinks is most negative trait(s):
    Shy-ness XD

    Other significant character trait(s):
    My thoughtful-ness.

    Fears or dislikes: Catching any sort of cold or flu. That's why I wear that torchering coat XD But I'd rather look like a fluffball in public than catch a common cold, that's for sure. I've also got some silly fears such as:

    The fear of someone breaking and entering in my house.
    The fear of not receiving a package from eBay.
    The fear of getting a bad grade.
    But I'm never anxious, and I'm not afraid of ''so called'' monsters,ghosts, creatures, horror films etc.

    “…A few of my favorite things…” (That are not cream colored ponies, or silver white winters that melt into springs.😉 Though I do like crisp apple strudels…): Animals. Science. Maths (even as a hobby XD). Chocolate. Cranberries. The Cranberries (the band). Riddles. Drawing. Singing. Playing music or just making noise with my melodion or guitar XD.

    Skilled in: Maths, science, chemistry, biology, IC. They are my loafs XD I also try to be a good-ish musician. Also solving and making riddles.

    Has trouble with: Evil PE teachers and people that take politics too seriously such as guys that believe that girls are weaker than boys. (I have one of these in my class).

    Favorite foods: Chocolate. Cranberries. Gingerbread. Chicken. Besides cranberries, other fruit such as pears, apples (they really make my day :D), grapes, watermelons, melons, oranges, tangerines, blueberries and more! Also ice cream :3 And spicy stuff such as curry, paprika and red peppers :DDDD

    Favorite subjects: Maths and science.

    Least favorite subjects: PE when the teacher is evil.

    How would your character react to teasing (the unfriendly sort)?: When I get teased, I understand that the ''teasers'' annoy people because they admire them and they don't want anyone to be better than them. So I reply like that:''Well, at least I...(blah blah blah blah)''

    How would your character react to teasing (the friendly sort)?: I hate teasing in general... rawr.

    What is your/your character’s opinion on Animal Jam YouTuber stars?: Only a few of them are decent (cough cough Snowyclaw and Wisteria)

    What is your character’s opinion on Jamaasian High?:

    A. Best. School. EVER!!
    B. It’s okay, could use some improvements.
    C. I don’t like the gym teacher.
    D. It stinks here. ):L

    C. I don't like most gym teachers in general.

    (note: Please don't make me a main character, I prefer being in the background :3.)

  4. *eats candy canes from christmas tree* *looks up* Hmmph? WHAT?! I didnt eat the. Andy canes! Well maybe kinda- anyways.... Merry christmas! Here i saved you a Candy Cane *hands candy cane*


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