
Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Big Red Building - Animal Jam Headquarters.

Hey Jammer's! graciepopstar91 here!

Every wondered where AJHQ is located? I certainly have. I've explored Google Maps before, trying to find this legendary headquarters. For a while, I gave up this hunt. But today, I decided to try and find AJHQ again. First I searched "Animal Jam" and of course nothing pops up. Then "WildWorks", and it found some nature place. But then I believe I searched, "Salt Lake City Wild Works" or something like that. Thats when the words "Smart Bomb Interactive" popped up! Knowing AJHQ is partners with this company, I clicked on it. A big red building popped up. I remembered seeing a photo of this red building, knowing that thats where Animal Jam is located! Heres some pictures from the street view I did.

If you look closely, you can see the WildWorks mascot/logo! Now on the left side of the building you can see..

The Animal Jam logo! I do have to say, Animal Jam does have themselves fairly well hidden. (Despite the logos). 

I think these are offices and stores hidden in this building. Because on the other side of the building, it says "SALT LAKE CITY HARDWARE STORE". (Or I could be looking at a completely different red building..).

You can actually tour AJHQ! Simply call this number before you go: 

(801) 355-4440

Or email:

Where AJHQ is located:

105 N 400 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84103

Though AJHQ is far away from me, I hope to go there one day! It truly would be a dream-come-true.

I hope this helps!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 13:20

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. hi im snowwhitebug this really helped me i have always wondered how i could tour ajhq so this really helped thanks

  2. Yes, you saved me the haggle of trying to do it myself. XD :)

  3. i rlly want to send a letter to animal jam so thanks :D

  4. I am getting a tour! I cant wait! I paid my parents 22$ to help with the cost :P

    1. Thats awesome!!! congrats!

    2. You're saying AJHQ is literally 20mins from my house??? Wow I really have been living underneath a rock.

    3. How much did it cost? Plz answer soon. I am getting a tour soon.

    4. bro sammmmeeee! except it was more like an hour from my house. its just so weird to think, OUT OF ALL THE PLACES TO CHOOSE they chose the same state I lived in. WOW I FEEL SPECIAL.

  5. wait... how much was it all together?

  6. I sent an Email!!!! thank you so much for this info!!!!!!! btw my user is berry3333

  7. Tysm! My AJ user is Lightningtiger60 owo I'm not on very often anymore since we only have one computer and seven family members. �� again, TYSVM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hello! I am really happy that someone in the Animal Jam comunity trusts in the Lord! This was a really cool website and I hope to see someone like you around Jamaa!Thanks! Flowerme123

  9. Hello! I am really happy that someone in the animal jam comunity is christan! This page was really helpful! I hope to see you around jamaa!

  10. I can go tour this place! It's actually quite close to me and would be about a 30-45 minute drive. Thanks for letting us know where it was and how to tour it!! :3

  11. wow it is litterally a 30 min drive
    i emailed them

  12. The building is for lease now so now there's another wild Works headquarters that is secretly located.

  13. Does anyone have updated information? I just e-mailed them and am hoping to go in May. We are flying from far way to visit!

  14. Does anyone have any updated information? We are planning to visit in May.


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