
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Late, New Frogsloth, And A New Page!

Jammers: We're not speaking to you.
Me: I don't blame you. 😔

This post is an entire day late, and I am very, very sorry. There's no excuse, so I won't attempt to make one. I can only hope that you will accept my deepest and sincerest apologies, and the article can progress as it normally would. I am so sorry for the post's delay.

Yesterday's RiM was the Rare Snow Boots, though I suppose that's of no consequence now. On another note, there's good news for the Frogsloth story! 😀 My mother has decided to write some chapters of her own, since she is sick of the cliffhanger. 😏 They're really good, and I'm going to post one now!

The Adventure Of The Frogsloth, 24th Entry

Dear Diary,
Sunk… Sunk!  That’s it!
“Falcons can’t fish,” I announced quietly to my compatriots.
“Wha-?”  Poor Lieutenant was at a loss, but Uncle Baron grasped my import right away.
“She’s right. Jump in, right now.” He shoved us abruptly off the shallow bank.
“They’re making a run - er, swim for it!  Step on it!”  The falcon shouted into the mike.

Lieutenant and I didn’t question Uncle Barron further.  We dove under the water and swam for all we were worth towards the outlet of the pond, back among the cypress knees.  I felt his grasp on my tail and was glad we wouldn’t get separated as we fled.

When my burning lungs would allow me no further underwater progress, I looked around.  As Lieutenant surfaced beside me, we both spied the canoe still tied at the entrance to the swamp and made for it.  

“Hurry, let’s get outta here.”  Lieutenant seemed to have lost his fiery determination not to leave Sarepia Forest without Walter; I was glad of that, at least.
But Uncle Barron?  As we clambered aboard, my eyes darted all around in search of him.

“Where’s Uncle Barron?”, I hissed low.  I sure didn’t want Sneed to hear me and try to wrangle his way through the tightly woven branches above us.

“Huh?”  Lieutenant glanced around him and shrugged.  “I dunno.  Come on, grab those oars while I cast off.”

“We can’t leave!  They must have caught him!”

“And what if they did?  You don’t have to worry about him.  He knows what he’s doing.”

“And just how would you know anything about my great-uncle?”  I asked, exasperated.  For that matter, I wondered, how much did I know about him.

“I... saw how he handled that crossbow back there and how he took charge of the situation, got us all out.  I’m sure he’ll be fine.  He got himself all the way out here and he can get himself back.”  Lieutenant was already picking up the oars himself, having gathered the rope from the cypress knee to which it had been attached.  “Now let’s get us back.”

Lieutenant was safe.  I knew what I had to do now.

Without another word or glance in his direction, I slipped over the side and back into the water.


Wasn't that great? 😁 

The last part of this post is about a "thing" going on over at my blog DXplorergirl, the Amazing Blogger Sleepover! 

Gfox0 gave me the original idea (kudos to her 😉), and I decided to create a page specifically for comment roleplaying in, and the topic is a sleepover! You don't have to have a blog to come, but I guess you gotta read one, just to find out about it. 😋 You're reading this blog, though, so that can't be a problem.

Here's the link to the page, and I wish a wonderful time to anyone who wants to come! 😊 

That's all for now, so I'll see you next time, Jammers!



  1. Here's the link you wanted, Gracie:

  2. Was a pleasure to talk to you!

    1. Hi legendary! It's me Gfox0 your buddy!

  3. Hi, Kara :) Your awesome stories have inspired me to start writing an old AJ fanfic I started about a year ago but gave up on. I doubt I'll ever finish this story but so far I've gotten about another chapter done =P

    1. Woohoo! :D Thanks for the compliment, and best wishes with your fanfic!



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