
Monday, January 9, 2017

Rare Sun Necklace, Me Being My Usual Scatterbrain Self, And Jamaasian High Progress (What There Is Of It)

Helloooooooo, Jammers!

It's me again, Karalee!

Jammers: wHO?
mE: *tURNS It off* Oops.
Jammers: *see the typo-ish mistake* Oh. 😑 We remember you....
Me: *is proud Queen Of Typos* 😁 👑


How'd ya like my Swirlshine intro? 😊

Today, we've got a cool Rare Item that goes by the name of the Rare Sun Necklace! Woohoo! 😆 Find it this Monday only, at Jam Mart Clothing!

This 800-Gem RIM sure seems to be following in the footsteps of last week's Rare Moon Necklace, and makes one wonder if the Summer Carnival item known as the Lightning Necklace will follow.

On my second note for the evening, I actually... managed to forget it was Monday. Eheehee! 😳 Went like this.


Me: *at the dinner table with family* I need to get on Animal Jam for at least a few minutes.... Before ten. That's when AJHQ resets the day for me.
Mom: Why, is it Rare Item Monday?
Me: No, I'll just lose my multiplier if I don't get on.
Cricket(lynn): Yes it is Monday!
Me: No it's not.
Mom: Yes it is, church was yesterday, today Dad went to work.... *motions across table at Dad* Remember?
Me: 😨
Me: I call a turn on the new computer!
Me: Anthony! Wherrrre arrrre yooooou? *calls to computer like any normal, sane person would*


Thaaaaaaat explains the late post.

As the third note for this evening, I would like to inform you that I've made a bit of progress on my Jamaasian High - Karalee Edition plot. It's actually GOT a finish-able plot, unlike many of my currently-on-hiatus web stories.

As a result, it might actually turn into a novel... and those take time. A lot of time. Still, I fully intend to keep JH-KE page busy during those times when I can't reveal any of the story for fear of SPOILERS. (Those menaces to TV and book series enjoyment.... 😒 Hate 'em. I'd never do that to you guys. 😉)

There's characters to draw, discussions to be had, and maybe even a few mini-stories from my JH universe! 😀

Thank you again to all who filled out JH-KE character description questionnaire! If anyone else would like to have your avatar included, please answer the questions here to help me portray your character the way you envision it!

I'll see you guys on Animal Jam! Later, peepz! 😎👍        ← (Seeeee? I can be "cool" too. 😏)



    Mine is Cortenda! XD
    *King Tough Bunny

    1. Well, I think it's got Windows 10. It should, it's, like, brand-new. :P If you mean something like your account's name on Google Chrome, then that's not what I was talkin' about.

      I actually named him Anthony. C: Kind of after Tony Stark.... :P

      Cortenda's a cool name! :D Did it come with the computer, or did you pick it out?


  2. Sense the last one was a Moon necklace and it was nm like this one, I'm actually thinking the next one will be planet! Or as you said. Lighting! :D

    1. WHOOPS! This RIM is member! *smacks self* Oops!

  3. Gfoxanimaljamblog.wordpress.con

  4. Hey, Karalee! I filled out the form but I couldn't comment it on your blog because it's different from Blogger comments XD Anyways, sorry if this comment is incredibly long.... it's rather detailed XD

    Jamaasian High Avatar/OC Description:

    Name: Dove

    Last name (fictional, possibly AJ-derived): Moon

    Girl or boy: Girl

    Height: 5'

    Weight (approximate is fine, for illustrating purposes): Not 'fat' but defiantly not skinny. A teensy bit plump, I guess?

    Age: 16

    Hair color: Light pink

    Eye color: A dark, purplish brown

    Skintone: A dark tan/light or golden brown

    Hairstyle and length: Dove has always loved the unrealistically long hair in anime and manga, and her straight hair reaches all the way to her waist. She likes to wear headbands, especially cat-ear headbands.

    Clothes: While Dove is a cheerful person, she really loves Goth fashion, especially pastel goth. She tends to favor pink and purple colored things, and also likes faux leather jackets and boots.

    Top: A cute top made of a shimmery purple-pink fabric, with sleeves that reach a little past elbow-length. It's somewhat loose and has a belt at the waist.
    Pants/skirt: A denim skirt that reaches about a bit more halfway to her knees.
    Jacket, if applicable: If the weather gets chilly, and even sometimes when it doesn't, Dove will put on her beloved leather jacket.
    Shoes: Short leather boots with plenty of straps.
    Backpack: A black backpack with a rainbow-colored cat design that she drew on it herself.
    Other: She wears a cute choker necklace with a crescent moon charm, and also wears pink socks that come up to her knees.

    Short backstory/background: Dove was orphaned when she was 6 years old, and lived in an orphanage until she was 10. However, this doesn't stop her from being a very kind person! A bit socially awkward, Dove is rather shy around people she doesn't know. But once she's acquainted with someone, her true self will show through, and she'll do pretty much anything for her friends. If a friend needs help, she does her best to help them. She has been bullied for being an orphan, and when she was younger she was too afraid to stand up. As a teen, though, she decided enough's enough, and no longer puts up with bullying. If she ever sees anyone being bullied, she'll stand up for them.

    Personality in five adjectives: Cheerful, kind, sweet, quirky, unique.

    Most positive character trait(s): Kindness, generosity, quirkiness, respecting, thoughtfulness, curiosity, creativity, intelligence

    Most negative character trait(s): Shyness, indecision, frustration, frustration at herself, has a hard time seeing the good things in herself, she has a hard time controlling her anger/sadness/embarrassment/etc

    What character thinks is most positive trait(s): Kindness and creativity

    What character thinks is most negative trait(s): Shyness, indecision, hard time controlling her anger/sadness/embarrasment/etc

    Other significant character trait(s): Dove is somewhat socially awkward. Growing up, she constantly had her head in a book or comic book, and before she was adopted by her current family, she preferred to live in fantasies about make-believe worlds than in her reality in the orphanage. She tries hard to talk to people, but she's rather shy with anyone she doesn't know very well, and gets embarrassed quite easily. Once she starts to know someone better, though, she begins to peek out of her shell, and she is quite funny and kind. She often makes references to superhero tv shows or comic books. A very artistic person, Dove is constantly doodling in class and her favorite school subject would defiantly be art. If there are any creative projects that need doing, she's the first to volunteer.

    (TBC because this comment is WAY too long XD)

  5. (Jamaasian High OC form, continued)

    Fears or dislikes: Dove is afraid of not being accepted, she's afraid that people think she's weird or awkward, she is scared of natural disasters, she can't stand bullies, she's somewhat afraid of heights, hates cliches and stereotypes

    “…A few of my favorite things…” (That are not cream colored ponies, or silver white winters that melt into springs. Though I do like crisp apple strudels…): She loves art and drawing, music (pop/rock), cookies and candies and basically anything with sugar, superheroes and comic books, regular books (fantasy especially), animals, glitter, bright colors, craft/hobby/art stores
    Skilled in: Drawing, learning new things, any sort of craft

    Has trouble with: Social skills, talking to boys, controlling her emotions

    Favorite foods: Cookies, skittles, Twizzlers, jellybeans, basically anything sweet and sugary, ramen noodles, cereal, beef roast, hamburgers, and lo mein

    Favorite subjects: Math, History, Art, English/Spelling/Grammar

    Least favorite subjects: PE, Science

    How would your character react to teasing (the unfriendly sort)? She gets really irritated by it. When she was little, people bullied her a lot. She'll stand up to it but sometimes it can really get to her.

    How would your character react to teasing (the friendly sort)? She doesn't always know how to react to it. Her responses to it can be funny (and embarrassing)

    What is your/your character’s opinion on Animal Jam YouTuber stars? She will watch most of their videos: Aparri, Bepper, Wisteriamoon, Snowyclaw, etc, but her absolute favorite Animal Jam YouTuber is Julian2. She constantly draws fan art for him, though she doubts he'll ever see any of it.

    What is your character’s opinion on Jamaasian High?

    A. Best. School. EVER!!
    B. It’s okay, could use some improvements.
    C. I don’t like the gym teacher.
    D. It stinks here. ):L
    (If your answer was D, it’s probably just Meatloaf Wednesday in the cafeteria. If your answer was B, one of those improvements is probably to banish Meatloaf Wednesday.)

    1. YYYYYYAY! :D I love detailed character/avatar descriptions! CX Thanks for filling one out!


    2. I draw Dove and wrote a liiiiittle bit more of the description and posted it all on my blog. Can you look at that?


Hey there! Thank you for choosing to comment on AJFC! Before you comment, please read and follow these rules.
1. No inappropriate comments.
2. No foul language.
3. No spam/constant advertising.
4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
7. Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!