
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Throwback Thursday - Old Animal Jam Photos!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here!

This afternoon, my Mom was sorting through some old folders on her computer, when she found one of my folders, from 2013, 2014, and 2015! And it turns out, they were Animal Jam pictures of mine! It's always cool see what Animal Jam looked like it the past, so I got a kick outta' them. Heres some that I found! Happy throw back Thursday, your gonna get some laughs out of these..


First of all, an old drawing.. 😳😳😳😳 Is that an Arctic Wolf? A Wolf? A weasel? Well, all I know is that their twins, with quite strange heads and mouths.. Moving on. 

Sea Hawks Super Bowl party! Woohoo! 
But uh- two people I had blocked in that party.. Um. Ignore that? 😆

Pets! Looks like I could use some more.. And some of those I don't have anymore.. Sorry Sarah 😬

When I played the Forgotten Desert, I would always take a photo of it. Thankfully I stopped that habit, but just look at all these waterfall photo! I had an unhealthy obsession. 

Thats not even all of them.. 

A funny glitch, my friend Saphire was in the Forgotten Desert with her fox 😜. I miss your blog, Saph. 

Look at those beautiful flip flops! Look at that bow and arrow that doesn't match the outfit! Pure beauty, children. 

A picture of me, Coolcat, I believe Bella in the back, and I'm not sure who the black wolf is. I'm thinking possibly my old friend Taylor. 

I think AJHQ did a little contest, where you wear a crazy hat at the Summer Carnival, as an otter! 
Also, please notice the old looking buddy list. Back in my day, you could only have 100 buddies, and you had to keep deleting old buddies to have enough space.. I am kinda glad that AJHQ boosted up the amount of buddies to 200. 

A beta looking JAG. 
There's a sad story behind this, Coolcat went missing on Animal Jam for about 60 days or so, and I was heartbroken. I didn't know if I would ever see her again.. 
But 6-25-14 (June 25th 2014, a Wednesday) in the morning, I logged on Animal Jam, and to my surprise, my bestest friend, Coolcat89252, came on. She came on. It was probably the best day of my life, and she just explained that her computer was broken. It probably will forever remain the best day of my life. 

Hehe! The top of a Christmas wishlist, from 2013. 
I did end up getting an Animal Jam Membership, and the Sidekix plushie I wanted! This is the one I got. 

Photos from Animal Jam Wiki

That year, I also got a laptop, and headphones, so I was a happy camper with my new haul of stuff. 😜
While my family was over, I was just in my own little world, my headphones on, laptop open, and was playing Animal Jam with a new perspective. 

A photo of me (orange Arctic Wolf), Coolcat (pink Arctic Wolf), and Crystal (teal bunny)! 

And last but not least, a photo that I think got featured in Jammer Central for a little "Hey Jammer's!" contest. It was either this picture, or another one that won. 
The name tags look so beta for some reason, and it was only from early 2015.. 


I hope you enjoyed this post! I still have more pictures, so comment down below if you would like me to make another post like this! 

Heres todays Bible verse!

Psalm 9:2

I will be filled with joy because of you.
I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.

Remember, God made YOU! 

Anyone know anything about these? I found it in the folder full of my old AJ pictures. Apparently they were called the "Bob's".. 


  1. Goodness. o.o Strange one. I certainly wasn't there early enough to know, though. ~\('-')/~ <---(shrug) "Bobs"....



    I don't know what a Bob is... XD

  3. My tutor has a vacccum cleaner robot named Bob :P


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