
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Animal Jam 'Life' Lessons #2-10 - Don't Wear Rare's That Aren't For Trade In Aldan...

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, back with another Animal Jam 'Life' Lesson! Let's begin, shall we?


I thought a good 'life' lesson would be to not wear a Headdress in Aldan. I mean, their fairly high in demand. Who wouldn't want one? Here's my Headdress look.

I set out, in a quest to see how many people would want my HD.

I calmly made emojis, not saying anything. *Well, one time I said 'it's a nice day in Jamaa'*

Surprisingly, not many people said/did anything.

Then I saw someone was at my den, and I wasn't sure if it was a buddy, or an HD wanting person. I left to my den, and found this person..


Sorry o3o...?

I told them it wasn't for trade.

Then their friend/partner in 'crime' came.


My friend, Tiger, was there, with her Headdress on, so..


I went to Aldan for a bit, with no luck.

I then went to Congo.


I went back to Aldan, and saw someone who wanted a Neon Bow. An idea popped in my head, and I quickly changed into my Neon Bow look. 

I walked over to the other side of the Township and- score!

Hi there.


No thanks..

Uh oh.

I told her that it wasn't for trade, and she ran away with a rainy emote.. 

Someone sent me a Jam-A-Gram, wanting my Nerd Glasses?

Uh- no comment..

So, your much better off as a simple non-rare panda!

Good luck, fellow Jammers.

1 Thessalonians 4:11

Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Oh yay!!! Another one!! ^.^ I love these.... *eagerly reads*

    Ok wow. XD "rare purple long and blackout wrist and rare elf bracelets for neon bow?" Um, I'm not good at rares but rare elf bracelets don't sound too rare and a blackout wrist ain't that good. XD Good try, bunny.

    *stares at JAG you got and slowly tries to put real glasses on trade* XD

  2. Ooh! I have one! Don't do trade attempts...

  3. Wow that's surprising no one wanted a headress.

  4. Heheheh. Yyyyyyeah. I remember wearing my black long there for a while. Got a LOT of offers, and I eventually traded it. A lot sooner than I should have, really.... I'd like to trade for another sometime.



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