
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Jamasian Shopping Mall, FINISHED Entry for Crazcatlover's Art Contest! Violet86271's Tag, +Blogger Portal Chapter 3,

You guys: When did you use words like 'wassup'?
Me: Sense I made weird stories! 😂
You guys: Uhm, name one weird story..?
You guys: Whaaaat?
Me: Only Oldies on the DE Would understand :)
You guys: Uhm okay??

ANYWAYYSSSSSSSSSS  I have decided to make another 'Jamasian' Story! Inspired by Lost Fairy, who made  Jamaasian Hospital, a REALLY entertaining story. My favorite part was with Skorm, hehe.. XDD
So here is Jamaasian Shopping Mall!

                        Jamaasian Shopping Mall

Jamaasian shopping mall.. Jammers, Bloggers, Youtubers, everywhere. And by everywhere, even by the doily's! "Whats a doily?" Kraft asked. Lost shrugged. "No idea!" "Its uhmmmm, a plate?" suggested Swirl. "No no, its a hat," Fox said. "I always thought it was a pillow." Ja said. "I think its a plushie?" Tiger replied. "I know! Its a cake!" Sarah exclaimed. "Nahhhh, its a game." Pob said, "Why are we talking about doily's again?" Purple asked.
"A doily is a...... brand of socks?" Violet said, "Uhm, maybe its a... type of cat?..." Frozen asked. "I think its an animal." Gracie said. "Maybe its a type of paint." Kara suggested, "Eek, can we stop talking about doily's and look at the toboggans?" Flora asked. "Whats a toboggan?" Custard asked. Flora shrugged. "I think its a sled?" she said, "Nah, its a type of pizza." Pob said, "Oh gross." Tiger exclaimed
"Who doesn't like pizza?!" Sarah exclaimed. "Lets go look at the plush toys." Cat said, "Only if they have Husky ones." Ja grumbled. "And chickens!" Kraft exclaimed, "Only if they have cheesecake plush toys!" Swirl and Sarah said,
"Whaaaat?!" Fox exclaimed. "What? we saw it on a commercial!" Swirl exclaimed. Sarah nodded. "That's just weird." Purple said, "Yeahh," Flora and Violet replied. "But its amazing! You can control it with a remote and-" Sarah started, but was interrupted by Gracie, "We can talk about it later." she said with a small laugh, Sarah sighed. "I have cheesecake in my pocket, who wants some?" Swirl asked. "Oh gross!!!" Gracie and a couple others exclaimed. "Me, me!" Sarah said raising her hand. Swirl gave her some cheesecake. "Strawberry." Swirl said, "I want some too!" Kara exclaimed. Swirl handed her some. "Mmmm!" she said taking a bite.

Da weird end :)
This story is sooooooo random XD
In other news, my buddy Crazcatlover is hosting an art contest! And the prizes are rare spikes and speed art videos! My entry is so horrible cri cri XD
Anyways here it is,

I might add a little more shadowing, then I will make it into a mp, and send it to you Cat! :D
 So I will edit this and show the full version later XD Its probably the best I have ever done, and yet its still horrible... at least you can tell what animal it is, and hopefully what items it is wearing ehehe.

Ok seriously though, if Kara, Lost, or Swirl enter this,
So I wont post a link or they will be able to enter (even though they already read the blog..)
and Jk XD Click here to enter! Good luck everyone! Boo Boo needs too wake up, so I can add  the Heart Locket and hair.. :P
And now I will do a tag created by Violet86271's movie tag!

1. I don't have one, mainly cuz I don't know like any actors..
2.  Uhhhh How To Train Your Dragon 1 How To Train Your Dragon 2, War Room, Fireproof, Courageous, and The Hiding Place.
3. The Lord Of The Rings, and The Hobbit,
4. BOOKS BOOKS AND BOOKS. Books are 1000000000+ times better then movies!
5. Christain, mysteries, and stuff like dat :)
6. Uhm, well, there are like really inappropriate movies as well as tv shows, but I feel like the older cartoon movies my family beats tv shows 100 to 1.
7. Sing,Despicable Me 3 and The Door Within
You guys: Is there even a The Door Within movie?
Me: No, but I want there to be so bad *cries* 😡😠😞😭
*cough cough*
And now, for The Blogger Portal Chapter 3! It might be a little  shorter then the others due to Jamaasian Shopping Mall :)

Chapter 3 Trapped?!

We all decided to meet at 12:00 Central Timing every Friday so we would have an excuse to waking up late,
"Is everyone here?" I asked, looking around at the group of bloggers." "Yeah, I think so." Fox answered.  "Where should we go today?" Tiger asked, "I don't know; maybe..... wanna just talk?" Lost suggested. "Yeah, but what about?" Violet asked. "I don't know, we have been meeting for over a month, it seems like we have ran out of things to talk about." Swirl said, "Let's just talk about.. art?" Purple suggested. "I will never be able to get Artymis Tangled Art." I said, "Why couldn't AJ fix that glitch?" Kara wondered, "Oh, and your Superhero masterpiece Kara," I added. "Why did they even do that again?" Kraft asked. "They fixed a glitch where artist couldn't save their masterpieces." Cat said, "Why do you guys never read my blog?!" a voice said angrily. "What, who said that?" Fox asked. "I did." the voice said again, a girl, about 14 stepped up to us, she had black hair and green eyes, she was wearing an Animal Jam shirt. "Who are you?" Ja asked, "I am...
Cheetahperson123!!" she exclaimed
"Who?" we all asked.
"Typical, you guys never payed attention to my blog," Cheetah said, "Uhm, maybe cause you didn't inform us about it." Flora said. "Or comment." Snowlondon added.
"My mom said I couldn't." Cheetah declared.
 "Uhm, then how were we suppose to find it?" Fox asked.
"That's what google is for." Cheetah said glaring at us.
"We aren't just aloud to surf the internet." Gracie pointed out.
"Are you serious." Cheetah said, "Yeah, and its a good rule." Cat said, we all nodded. Then, Cheetah took something from the floor, a crystal? Suddenly the portals all shut down, except hers she laughed and said "Farewell!" and jumped through her portal, which shut down. We stared at each other. "What are we going to do!?" Fox exclaimed.
Nervous murmuring spread out,


Well, that's all for now Jammers! (I gotta go do school *cries*)  And remember! Stay safe, Jam On, Play Wild, and remember God made you! Byeee!  


  1. Awww, thanks for your sweet words about my JH (not High, Hospital! XD)

    Your drawing is super cute so far! ^.^ And wahahaha, I already discovered the contest. XDDD You're not doomed though cause polar bears and wolves are pretty interesting to draw... o,o But I am giving it my best shot! :D

    Ah, yes... I wish movies and TV shows didn't have to be inappropriate. Good thing the two 'older viewers' TV shows I watch don't have too much inappropriate content. :)

    OH NO, DON'T BE TRAPPED, I WANNA COME HOMMMMMMMMME! XD (suggestion: maybe if its still winter or almost spring or something, I could show you guys all the snow where I live. XD)

    1. XDD

      Thanks! :D I would try doing the polar bear for a better chance of winning, cuz on the page she has it, most of them are wolves! OOPS WHY DID I GIVE A TIP XD Jk! :D

      Ikr?! Same with mine XD

      I DO TOO, BUT CHEETAH'S FAULT *points* That name is totally made up btw XD
      If I answer that I will be spoling XD

  2. CHEETAH NOOOOO! HOW DARE YOU!! *jumps into story* FREEEEEEE US!!!!
    Cheetah: No.
    Me: 😭

  3. I answered this tag ages ago so I'm going to answer them again because why not
    1.i don't really know oops
    2. Zootropolis, Moana, The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and every single Disney movie.
    3. Probably the hunger games movies, although the last two weren't too good. They just seemed to drag on about nothing :s
    4. Books. No doubt about it.
    5. Intense movies, comedies and animated movies. I really dislike horror movies, and I'm not a fan of romance movies.
    6. Movies. I dont really watch much television
    7. Despicable me 3. I'm not really excited for any movies this year in all honesty.
    At some point I want to watch all the star wars movies heh

    Ugh the dreaded masterpiece issue :(


    1. You haven't watched all the star wars? You should. :)


  4. Ahhhh ty for entering, Sarah! Your drawing is so cuteeeeee <3

    1. Np! :)
      Thanks :D The hair is totally the wrong color O.o But I had lots of fun drawing it! :D

    2. And I will send you it as soon as its done approving!

  5. Thanks for including me in the shopping mall story! And thanks for doing the tag aswell, one of my best friends loves the Lord or the rings and hobbit so I had to see them allD: There okay but I gotta say.. KILI IS MY ALL TIME FAV<3 <3 I was obsessed with him last year. Also keep up the good work with your polarbear!

  6. No problem Violet! :D
    Np :)
    Ikr, Keli is my favorite too XD
    Ty :D


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