
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Name for our group+Tag+Masterpieces

Well howdy there folks! What ya'll doin in these hear parts?
You guys: Um, looking at Animal Jam blogs?
Me: Well slap me with a broom and call me a pinata so am I!
You guys: Ooookay! *Backs away slowly*
Ok there is my crazy wired intro for this post!

Last week I got this idea when Gfox posted this comment
When she said "main leader" I was thinking of a group, and I thought to myself.
"You know? Our "group" should have a name!" 
So what do you guys think? Post ideas for the group name in the comments, here are a few I came up with.
AJ community, 
But I thought we could come up with something a little more creative, plus that's the name for the Animal Jam Community lol
AJ Adventures 
I like this one, but I'm not sure about it.

That's really all I have :P 
So post your ideas in the comments! And then next week we can hold a vote!

Next I wanted to do some tags, 

 Here is a tag I made up myself!

The Wired Tag

1. What was the weirdest thing someone EVER told you?
Um when my OWN BROTHER told me I sounded like a boy, when we were playing with beanies!

2. What was a wired sad thing that happened in your life?

(Please excuse the caps)

3. When you were little what was the wiriest thing you ever did?
 When me and Sarah would pretend to be princesses and we wouldn't yell and any of our siblings or anything like that. 😰

4. When you were little, was there ever a movie you wanted to watch over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ......
You guys: JA!
Me: oops sorry I guess i did it a little to much
You Guys: yeah.
Me: OK and over again?
Uhh, not that I can remember but when Sarah and me would get to pick CD's at night there was this one she keep picking over and over, it was REALLY annoying. .....

5. What was the best times you've ever had?
When me and Sarah and all the girls went over to our best friends house, IT WAS AWESOME!

6. What was the dumbest movie you ever saw?
Angry Birds *chirp chirp*
I can't even tell you how bad it was. DO NOT WATCH IT!

7. What was the best movie you ever watched?

OK on to the next part of the post!
Right now I am working on two masterpieces,
The one for Crazcatlover's art contest, and one of my own little hobbit hole!
:Sighs happily:
You Guys: :Sighs annoyingly:
Me: Hey! It's not my fault the movie was so good!

Here is the one for Crazcatlover.
Not quite done I still wanna add a few things.
But how do you like is so far CCL?

How do you like the flowers?

  I need to put it in a frameless one though it covers up the words on the bottom which say.
"Please forgive this writing" 

Hey guys guess what?! ALL MY MASTERPIECES ARE AT 100 LIKES OR OVER! NEXT UP 150 AND THEN 200! When they all get to 200 then I'm going to have a party not kidding! XD

And that's it for today's post! 
But here is Fix My Eyes the SECOND verse, woo woo!

I've learned the lines and talked the talk

But the road less traveled is hard to walk!

Cool Animal Fact: If you take a stray cat in, it might not like having it's belly scratched! In the wild that's where predictors attack them!
*King Tough Bunny

I was going to do another Unknown Amazing Artist, but since i had masterpieces of my own to show you, and this post was so long, I'm going to save that for next week!


  1. AJ Adventures is actually the name of my animal jam fan fiction series XD

    i think as far as the name for ALL the bloggers go, we agreed on Bread Nuggets... Because... I don't know lol. Idk what you could call the community on this blog alone, if that's what you mean.

    Lets do this tag
    1. I'm assuming by wired you mean weird.
    Lots of weird things happen to me. Like, little children stare at me weirdly.
    2. I don't know
    3. *there is no number 3 lol*
    4. I used to pretend to be a dog and crawl around. I even chewed a dog bone o.o
    5. Yes. G force.
    6. Every animal jam party I've been to with the squad
    7. mockingjay part 1
    its not dumb, it's just really boring. If i ever watch it, I just skip to like the only five good scenes in it.
    8. Zootropolis or Moana. I love them both.



    1. Opps! Thanks' for pointing out the flaws Kraft. :)
      *King Tough Bunny

  2. 1. What was the wired thing someone EVER told you?
    For me is "your fat" 2. What was a wired sad thing that happened in your life nothing i have never been sad well hardly :) :) y 4. When you were little what was the wiriest thing you ever did?
    make a tent out of a thing I call it a rocking chair and
    I would tern it upside down and make a tent it was really REALLY small but I was a small. And where is number 3?
    A farm movie I would pick it when i could watch a movie like how to train your dragon or a movie like that.
    6. What was the best times you've ever had?
    I was at a friends house and too of my friends did a LOT of fun stuff and me and one of my friends wanted some coffee beans lol and my friend was like let it be our little secret and we did it a couple times till a I dont know if friend or not He's way older then me and he said you'v had plenty
    7. What was the dumbest movie you ever saw?
    same and ja angry birds do not watch it had 25 seconds of funny parts and 10 or 7-6 minutes of good parts the rest SOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!
    8. What was the best movie you ever watched?
    and if you want to hear the best music go to the end of the hobbit when gand comes (not real name i dont want to spoil some of it)

  3. Huh. I mean, yeah... we ARE a group, but not - like - a club or anything. :P I always knew we hung out a lot, but I didn't think we really needed a name. We're - us. C: The bloggers. (And Co. XD)

    I don't think we exactly have a "main leader", but Gracie has in fact been part of the backbone and A leader of this group for a very long time, so that probably leads some to think that she is THE leader.

    I like to think of this group as different from a "club", without any roles like president, treasurer, secretary, or any leader or chief blogger. Our relationships function more like a web, every new thread added with each interaction between friends.

    Two individuals may be close, with many threads between them (like Sarah and Ja, they're sisters). Others may not interact directly, though we're both connected through the blogger-web (like me and Coolcat89252. We're both authors here, and we read each other's posts, yet we don't see very much of one another around Jamaa, though I'd like to).

    Gracie's definitely close to the center of that web. The AJFC is a hub for bloggers everywhere, and helps to connect us all. Don't get me wrong here. I am not declaring her more important than anyone here, but I can't POSSIBLY say she is less. She is positively instrumental to the cohesive function of our blogger-web.

    *idea strikes*

    HEY! :D I got it!

    The Web!

    We're The Web!

    Whaddaya think, guys? :D


    1. No. just no. and if so... who is the spider?

    2. Awww. :C You don't like it?

      In the analogy, the spider would be the person or thing that makes the entire blogger-web possible, so I think that'd make the master spider Animal Jam itself, because AJ is the content and driving force behind the topic of our blogs. C:


    3. I like it, Kara! It's cool and it represents, that once we're in, we always stick together! (Meaning a big trapped in a web)

    4. Hmmmm it's not bad!
      Yeah Fox!
      remember we're going to vote next week!
      *King Tough BUnny

  4. I was thinking The Bloggers lol

    1. Lol, I thought of that too, but I thought everyone (including me) would want something more creative.
      *King Tough Bunny

  5. Remember everyone! Give me opinions on the masterpieces!
    And don't forget to comment your idea for our groups name!
    *King Tough Bunny

  6. Replies
    1. Ty crazcat!
      *King Tough Bunny

    2. Yw! Also, I think of the group as the 'AJ Bloggers'/'Blogging Jammers'/'Animal Jam Bloggers'/'Animal Jam Blogging Community'/'Animal Jam Blogging Friends'


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