
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"Picture-Post!" Or, "Don't Give A Goofball A Camera".

'Yello Jammers! Karalee here!

Today I'm gonna show y'all some photos I've had on my computer for a while. They're pretty cool, so I want to share them!

They're going to get silly, I warn you!

Allllllll my pets. All of them. (At the time. Now I have a few more!)

My magenta Polar Bear does the casual thing for once.


This? This is cool. This is the very first Jam-A-Gram Graciepopstar91 ever sent me. I still have it in the back of my inventory! (There's nostalgia for ya, huh, Gracie?)

Pseudo-meme. Pretty self-explanatory.

This. Is. Incredible. Incredible! That background, not to mention the wolf -- ! Man. C: Just amazing.

This screenshot of a Masterpiece I made is already on my blog DXplorergirl, but I'm posting it for those of you who may not have seen it. It keeps getting declined, for reasons I can't explain. I'd have thought it was for the slight "scary factor", but there's much creepier stuff hanging on walls in Jamaa than a burnt signpost and a dragon's tail....


Silly bunny on AJ-PW!

 This is actually from forever ago, I was messing around with the art program YouDoodle. It's Animal Jam because the eyes are extrapolated from an AJ-PW! Arctic Wolf. Thought maybe someone would wanna use it as a screensaver or something...? *shrug* Idunno.

The Art Easel in the old layout of Play Wild's Jam Mart Clothing.

Tip: Don't ever order the Jumbo size at Captain Melville's Juice Hut. Large is large enough.

This is what happens when you get a Turkey in Bowling! Pet Phantoms in Turkey Hats come out and do a little dance!

Excerpts from my Photo Album, complete with captions!

Spying from inside a Rosebush.



Yeah. Let's just say the Jammer taking a picture of me posing in the tree wasn't happy.

Laurel and Hardy, AJ version.

Snuck this in here for Ja983... enjoy your husky!

More messing with the Arctic Wolf eyes.

Comment Call: Which wolf-eyes background do you prefer? Tell me below!

Welp, that concludes "Picture-Post" for now! I'd love to do another one in the future! Please tell me if you'd like that! (<-- Sneaky second Comment Call)

GOODNIGHT JAMAA! KARA OUT! PEACE! *walks off stage, making a peace sign*


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