
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Purplestarclub's Tag - By Karalee

((And yet again, the scheduled auto-post did not work....))

Hello once again, Jammers! It's Karalee here!

Today I'll be doing a tag by Purplestarclub! Graciepopstar91 tagged me in her multi-tag post on the Animal Jam Community Blog!

Let's begin, shall we?

1. Who was the last person you buddied?

None other than the amazing Maddkadd, just a few minutes ago at the time of this writing! I admire their work in Masterpieces very much, and am quite honored to be their buddy.

2. Do you have any famous Jammers on your buddy list?

I am buddies with many talented artists, both those who have gained much popularity in the art community, and those who, if they do not have such fame, definitely deserve it. Also on my list is the incomparable AJHQ, who I was blessed with a buddy request from during their Spread The Loaf Valentine's Day contest.

3. What thing done by your buddies makes you happy?

The thing most of my buddies do with me is talk, and I like to talk as well. (A bit too much, depending on who you ask. 😏) One of my favorite things to converse about is art, whether it be comparing the styles of Artymis vs. Redwing, getting down to the minute details of airbrush shading techniques, or talking mathematical proportion accuracy with Hyenine1. (I really don't know how he does it. Drives me batty, he's explained the technique to me thoroughly and I still can't get it right. 😒 Frustrated....)

4. Who was the last buddy you talked to?

That, because I buddied them only a few minutes ago, would be Maddkadd, as well as Sy27444. 😊 It was the three of us together, so I talked to both of them last.

5. Do you have any one "best friend" on AJ?

I will have to say no on this one. I have so many amazing buddies, and to ask me to choose one above any others would be neither kind, fair, nor accurate.

6. How many people do you know IRL that play AJ?

If my siblings do not count, none. If my sibling do count, two. If my-mom-who-has-an-account-but-never-uses-it-except-to-play-with-my-siblings-very-rarely counts, three. (I have not yet convinced Dad to create an AJ account, and I will not attempt to persuade him, as the likelihood of success seems extremely low.)

Welp, there ya go! 😁 I now tag....

and Lostfairy.

Enjoy, guys!




  1. Ikr, I don't have any best buddies on AJ either XD

  2. K I'll do this this Saturday, including funny stories
    everyone will laugh, AND YES GRACIE IT INCLUDES THAT ONE! LOL
    *King Tough Bunny

  3. Thanks for tagging me but I have already done this tag before... XD Gfox just tagged me too so maybe I'll do it again since I did it a long time ago...


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