
Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Strange Mystery - Armory.

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with an actual post.

Lately, it seems that I've been doing either short posts, or real life posts.

But today, I've decided to do a post, focused on the unreleased item, 'Armory'.

I was browsing the Animal Jam Wiki, when I noticed this little image..

Photo credit to: Mooziq
Where on earth was this item found? And how do you retrieve it?

AJ Wiki says that it was found in January 2017, but was removed March 14th 2017. 

I could see why they removed it, because all of those items are weapons. But it confuses me why they  added it, then quickly removed it only a few months later.

But the question is, did AJHQ  fully remove this item like they did the horse coin? Or is there just one of these Armory den items floating around Jamaa, kind of like the Alpha Training Mat?

If there is someone who has this item, I'm pretty sure it would be AJHQ, because of the fact, that they seem to have these 'unreleased' items, such as the 'Toilet'.

I added in the arrow, but this is a screenshot I took from AJHQ's Sneak Peek video, that was released November 16th 2016.

I honestly have never even heard about this Armory item, until just today when browsing Animal Jam Wiki.

There really does seem to be a mystery behind this item. Is it going to one day be a promo item? Or perhaps remain as a deleted item?

Here's another Armory photo, by Mooziq.

This photo looks like it was taken in someones inventory, or as an item on trade.

Here is it's appearance, credit to the AJ Wiki.

Bō staffs!!!!
I think it was a good choice to remove it, because of younger viewers in game.

But really, why would they add it, because of that? Swords, spears, and battleaxe, does not seem like items that should be in a kid-friendly game. 

Whats your opinion on Armory? Do you think its simply just a fully deleted item? Or does one person out there still have it? Be sure to comment down below!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Titus 2:7

And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.

Remember, God made YOU!

P.S. Please look on the Lizzy's Diary: A Journey For Hope page, to see a paragraphed and edited, sample chapter!


  1. I'm glad you made a post about this! Actually, it WAS in the game! A person named pigfluff got it from her friend, and she traded lots of headdresses and a glitches ring for it. Later, AJHQ found out someone had the unreleased armory, and gave her back all of the items she traded for it, and removed the armory!

    1. But what about the friend who got the items from the unrelesed item XD

  2. Yeah, I understand why they moved it, I dont understand why they even added the toilet, couldn't they predict the inappropriate things people would have done with BOTH items?!

    The picture Kara did the for Lizzy's Diary is just breathtaking..


  3. In my opinion, the Armory is a really neat item. I know the game is for kids but they DO have swords and crossbows for your animal. If the Armory shouldn't be in the game, should any weapons be? Just saying. XD

    The toilet I totally understand why it got removed. Honestly, it have created problems. XD

    1. Yeah I like it too tbh XD

      ikr. I dont wanna think about THAT xd

  4. // *whispers* Psst! Graciiiie! This is your conscience speaking! Maaake the skeeeeetch draaafts for the Caaaast Of Chaaaraaacterrrrs! //

    Actually, no. This isn't you conscience. :P It's your friendly neighborhood Hyena "bugging you" about getting them done, as per your orders. CX Am I being helpful, or no...?


  5. Omg Gracie, can you do me a favor XD I realize that in 'The Adventure' (chapter 3) when Dove is having flashbacks.. Mother Otter says "Goodbye ADMIRAL" even though at the end I say he is Hudson XD A major typo on my part LOL, can you fix it to Hudson XD

    Working on an AJ Fan Fiction that will be reveled after I'm done with 'The Blogger Portal' I'm not telling you what it is, MWAHAHAHHA

  6. I actually really wanted this item. Like, I'm really sad it was removed lol

    But to be fair, this is animal jam, not the hunger games. Maybe AJHQ doesn't want people stacking up piles of swords and bows in their dens, heh. But then again, you can get weapons for your animals... I don't know. I hope it gets properly released. If not... It's not that much of an issue


    1. True, you can get weapons for your animal; however, they have a limit. There was a 'mace tail' floating around in Animal Jam once, but it was too violent (maces are actually really violent weapons) and wasn't supposed to be there, so AJHQ removed it shortly- similar to this Armory item.

      I believe the item was designed by someone new to the design team who isn't fully aware of Animal Jam's rules about weapons (probably thinking about how there are weapons such as swords, dual samurai swords, and bow and arrows) who designed it, possibly for an adventure.
      But with adventures it's all fake violence- boomseeds and chomper plants. Swords and throwing stars and bo staffs? Those are real weapons, so the Armory was never used, and wasn't intended to be released.
      However, perhaps like with the mace tail, someone found out about the Armory. Maybe the person who designed the Armory had it on their Animal Jam account so they could test it in game. Maybe it was accidentally given to someone while returning lost items. Nobody knows, but these are some logical guesses.
      The reason why it was in-game and wasn't taken out for a few months is because Animal Jam simply didn't know anyone had the item.

      I'll definitely make a post on my blog about the story contest, though I don't know if I'll actually enter. (it'd be kinda weird if I did, seeing as I provided the prize XD) I am actually going to my writing group today, so maybe I'll be inspired to write a short story about Animal Jam in spring. I dunno; I've already got 3 stories I want to work on XD



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