
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Wolffeycat (AnimalJammer330)'s 20 Question Tag, By Karalee

Hello Jammers! It's Karalee here! It seems as if everyjammer but me has completed Wolffeycat's 20 Questions tag, and it looks like a lot of fun, so I thought I'd give it a go!

Here's my results! (Warning: Some of the answers could be small-ish posts in themselves! 😅)

1. What's the meaning behind your Animal Jam username?

Karalee was strictly my penname for writing at the time I discovered Animal Jam, but it is now the name I use for anything and everything I do online (save my blogname, DXplorergirl), and is even the name I call myself in my head! 😯 Yes, I do know that's a little odd, but first off; I'm crazy and proud of it. 😉 Secondly, I started that habit years ago, partly thinking I'd need to condition myself to respond to the name in real life (at book signings and stuff. I heard authors had to do those kinds of things.)

2. How did you find Animal Jam?

My siblings were very "into" an online site called Kizi, which is an extensive collection of computer games. I never really used it much at all, but my sibs found an ad for Animal Jam, asked Mom if they could play, and it went from there. I was the last of them to join AJ, but am by far the most obsessed.

3. When did you start playing Animal Jam?

Arrrrgh... I wish I could remember. My "AJBday" is something I'd like to celebrate more than my real birthday. I do know I became a Club Member in... was it June, or July...? Grrrr, I'm a horrible scatterbrain! 😠

4. What was your first rare?

If you mean Rare Item Monday: Not sure what I first traded for, but the first RiM I bought (having accidentally encountered it in Jam Mart Clothing, I didn't know where Rare items came from at the time) was, I believe, the Rare Dragon Mask.

If you mean "rare" in the nebulous, "valuable" sense: I believe it was a purple short Spiked Collar, won in The Forgotten Desert.

5. What's your favorite den and clothing item?

If Masterpieces don't count? That'd be the brown Arm Chairs. As for clothing, that'd definitely be my signature white Princess Dress. (Though I've got a growing fondness for the Spring Hoodie.)

6. What is one thing you wish you could change about Animal Jam?

If no limitations of feasibility applied: End bullying/hostile behavior. People don't always realize how much damage carelessly-spoken chats cause.

If the goal must be more realistic, e.g a feature added or removed: I think I'd like to have a feature I've given a little bit of thought to, called Jammer Books. They'd be like Masterpieces, in that they would require approval before being released to the public (though that's a pretty big obstacle to the idea's feasibility right there). They'd be limited to a pretty short size, maybe... I dunno, 2000-characters-including-spaces? That's twice the limit to a Daily Explorer comment, and (I think) a short-but-substantial chapter/short story.

Jammer Books would cost Diamonds to make (though I can't decide whether 1 or 2 Diamonds is a better price), and could be saved, like Masterpieces. (Though admittedly copy-and-pasting elsewhere would work, too.) The copies, once made, could be traded for, and factors such as spelling, grammar, and of course good storytelling would affect value. Collecting all chapters of a good story would be an excellent challenge, and a large, well-stocked library the envy of all Jamaa.

There'd be a den item called a Jammer Library, and it'd be a large, gorgeously-crafted wooden bookshelf with lots of lovely, leather-bound books on it.... (*has the sudden desire to draw concept art and send idea to HQ*) When placed in a den, the Jammer owning it can add their books to it in Edit Den mode, choosing the books by their titles from a list, a la Den Portals. When out of Edit Den mode (or in another Jammer's den), the Jammer Library could be clicked on, and a menu like the one for the ebooks in the Chamber Of Knowledge would pop up, the Jammer-crafted stories ready and waiting to be read.

Jamaa has already acquired so much artistic expression through imagery in Masterpieces, imagine the incredible works that could be possible through Jammer Books!

(Additional minor goal of adding the dash ("-") symbol in Safe/Free Chat. There are actually a lot of words I find myself wishing I had that symbol for. (e.g. re-enter, over-reach, un-block....)

7. What's your favorite memory on Animal Jam?

I think... I think it'd be meeting my buddy Hyenine1. 😊 I was in my art-trading infancy, and was conducting all my business with Jammer9f8m4, who traded me other Masterpieces, and distributed the art I gave her in return among the community.

One day, after gaining a commission from her for more copies, I was roaming her den, and found a Masterpiece I had seen before, and liked. It was of a Hyena, which was cool, because I was a Hyena. (And still am. 😋 ) They're really amazing animals, but not a common choice for main avatars here. I went to the den of the person who had drawn it, and what did I find but - my art, hanging in a place of honor in the main room of the den!

As well as my art, I found a very enthusiastic and friendly - Hyena! Another Hyena! Hyenine1, and the first thing I heard from him was, "OMG I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO MEET YOU FOREVER!" and also, "I'm a big fan of your art!"

This was entirely unexpected to a young, unknown artist, and the only thing my silly self could get out was, "Is that my art? :o"

"Yeah, I saw it was a Hyena, and I had to have it!"

Also, visiting his den was Lemonsharkie, another main-look-Hyena Jammer. 😁 I had found my tribe, as Hye put it. Hyenine1 has been a wonderful buddy, always willing to listen, and always happy to talk about art! (And boy howdy, is he qualified to! He's the artist behind all those Spiked Collar and Headdress murals all over Jamaa! I can't believe he said he was my fan. 😱😄 They're amazing!) He's very generous, and very Adventurous! 😜 He's an (extremely) patient teacher at Lucky Clovers, too. (I can't wait to tell him that I actually learned it! 😆 I completed it last night, all by myself!)

Yep, that's my favorite memory, alright! It started with a wonderful unexpected welcome, and it's only gotten better from there. 😊 Go Hyenine1!

8. Who are your best buddies on Animal Jam?

The aforementioned yellow Hyena ^^, and ALL the bloggers I know! (With the technical exception of Scooter. I'm sure he's a wonderful buddy to those that know him, but I've only met him once, briefly. 😋) Those bloggers are (some of them):
Graciepopstar91 (the best blogging boss in Jamaa),
Gfox0 (placelinkhereKara),
Crazcatlover (placelinkheretoo),
And Swirlshine (youknowthedrillbynow),
and.... and so many others! I really couldn't list them all. 😀

For someone who considers themselves the solitary type, I have so many amazing buddies, more than I ever thought possible! I'm so grateful for all of you!

(Oh! Oh! And Fr0zen L0ver, too! And sy27444,  and does AJHQ count? And then there's *inaudible*....)

9. Is there anyone you hate on Animal Jam?

Uhm.... Nope. *shrug* 😐 I'm glad of that fact. 😋

10. Have you ever been scammed, and if so, what did they scam?

Once, in my noob days. I traded a one-day-released Rare Bowler Hat for a supposedly "beta" Tiara. Thankfully, there was a spare one in my inventory, but I still often facepalm about my gullibility there. 😆 I was very silly, and believed myself too smart to get scammed. That encounter was a kick in the proverbial pants of my self-satisfaction, and I got embarrassed into learning a valuable lesson. Haven't been scammed since.

11. Do you have any plaques, and which kind?

Ehrmmmmmm lemme see.... *counts on paw-digits* There's the PPP (Positive Player Plaque), awarded for my services on the DE (Daily Explorer). 😋 There's the... uh.... Ah, ferget it. *gives up on remembering and checks her account*

1 PPP,
1 Artist Plaque, awarded for having artwork in Jammer Central,
1 Diamond Artist Plaque, awarded for having artwork on the Daily Explorer,
Another PPP, given by HQ as part of the Spread The Loaf Valentine's Day contest,
1 Contest Plaque, awarded by HQ for (ditto),
AND lastly, the second PPP, which came through HQ along with the first one from the contest, and I haven't given it to a worthy "Positive Jammer" who I see being Positive in Jamaa, yet. I dunno why it's after the Contest Plaque in my inventory.... *makes thinking face* Huhm. *shrug*

12. What's your favorite Animal Jam emoji?

:heart: (💓) (DE emote only), as well as :joy:, both equally.

13. What's your rarest item?

I think that'd be my Founder's Hat, but I got that in trade for a RiM HD, and I got THAT from a trade for a black long Spiked Collar I won in The Forgotten Desert. 😑 Yeah, buncha bad trades there. HOWever, the Founder's Hat will never be released again, and so I'm keeping it until the value skyrockets, or whatever.

Plus, it's a bright yellow Top Hat essentially, and that's cool. 😉

14. What's your Animal Jam pet peeve?

Eh. I dunno. Probably when someone begs for a Masterpiece, or just anything for trade. I know I can choose when to trade or not, but I just feel so guilty!

15. How many gems & diamonds do you have?

Ohhhhh, hold onnnn.... *re-opens the AJ tab she closed*

63,186 Gems,
60 Summer Carnival Tickets,
and 77 Diamonds.

Not crazy rich, not running out. Kinda Jamaasian upper-middle-class. 😆

(I know a Jammer who just passed the 400-Diamond mark. 😮 They've been collecting for ages, they tell me. Highly impressive.)

16. Who's your favorite Animal Jam YouTuber?

Julian2. I don't watch many AJ YouTube videos, mind you. I'm no expert. But Julian2 is professional, yet still accessible to the viewer. He doesn't underestimate his audience's intelligence, but somehow manages to deliver just the right amount of laughs in a serious video. 😀 I admire his commitment to his craft, his skill, and his genuine laughter on camera. (That's one of the the things that really pulls me into a video. 😋 Might just be one of my quirks, I dunno.)

17. What's the best gift you ever received on Animal Jam?

Oh, gee, I really don't know.... My memory is terrible. If there's been one giant gift I've received on AJ, I'm not sure what it is. I've gotten a lot of really wonderful, generous gifts, though. Thank you, to everyone who's ever sent me a J.A.G. gift. 😊

18. Who do you wish was your buddy?

I've been blessed by being able to meet and buddy a lot of amazing artists on AJ, but there's some Jammers I haven't been able to meet/buddy yet. Some of those are Artymis, fruitsbasket11223 (met him a few times, though), and... uh, sunnybunnypet, and... CupCakeCeline, definitely, *nods* and redwing, and Mintella....

Well, let's just say there's a lot of them.

19. Why do you play Animal Jam?

'Cuz - well - I.... Well that's like asking me why I drink coffee. 'Cuz it's so much at one with my tastes that it feels natural to play it (or to drink it). 'Cuz, even if it was bitter at first, or hard to learn the ins and outs of the world, something about it kept me playing until I was fully invested in promoting it. Somthing that, deep down, resonated with what I liked, be it the graphics, the gameplay, or the caffeine. 😆 Coffee is my all-time favorite drink, and Animal Jam is my all-time favorite game, just because they are the way they are. That's the best explanation I've got, be it what it may.

20. When do you think you will stop playing Animal Jam?

I don't foresee a specific time when I will quit AJ, and I certainly don't foresee that time coming soon. 😊

Yay! 😄 That was fun!




  1. cool! This is gonna sound weird, but is Gracie basically the "main" leader in our group, or are we all equal? I see she is the main or first in a lot of things, and it kinda just makes me upset and confused XD!

    1. I wouldn't say I'm the main leader, although the thought of being a leader is cool, but in a way, sometimes I feel like the outcast, other times the 'leader' who knows, everyone has a different opinion, and really, we're all just friends c: no one should have their name shine through, but instead, let Gods name be center of our friendship, and we're all just friends, workin together to spread his word through our blogging.

      Remember, God made YOU!

    2. YOUR NOT A OUTCAST! Your a blogger princess! :D

    3. c: Thanks

      Hehe blogger princess.. 💻🎀 XDD

    4. No no no! we're all equal, but with a few of us, At least, we met Gracie and then everyone else. XD
      And it is kinda funny we're like a group guys we need a name! Help me with it. I guess we could do The Blogger community, but not all of us are bloggers. Hmmmm I'll bring that up on Satuday maybe.
      *King Tough Bunny

  2. Nice answers!! ^.^ *gives thumbs up*

    Heh heh, I hope I count as one of your friends even if I'm a newish blogger! XD I know it probably means nothing but couldn't help but notice you basically said our whole crew without me in there?? Sorry, just curious why, that's all! :D

    1. Even if your new, I think we could all agree that your our friend <3 I didn't really get fully active in the blogging community until just last year, when I met some friends on the DE :)

      Remember, God made YOU!

    2. Ahh! :O You do you do you do did I forget to add you? *checks on list* Crab! (Why do I say crab? What expresses disappointment in the form of a crustacean? Well, come to think of it, what about "Rats!" expresses disappointment, either? Ohhhh nevermind....)

      I totally have add those LINKS! But I'm not on something that could log in now.... and this comment probably won't be approved until later.... Bother.

      I'm very sorry! D:


    3. She said, ALL the bloggers, and here a few as example (Not exactly the full quote XD)
      And I'm probably the newest, or Ja, or Fox, IDK?! XD

  3. Niceeee! :D This tag is really amazing XD

  4. I feel like you took this from my blog XDD I just did this

    But then again I took that from this blog sooooooo


    I don't even know what I'm doing anymore I'm just gonna go do Lucky Clovers



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