
Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Snazzy Saturday Post (Hidden Items and More!)

MUHA! Okay okay, so infiltrating Gracie's den wasn't the most successful... Posing as a work of art didn't work so well either... Oh well. Thanks to Gracie for lending a helping paw for this little skit!

Now, you might be wondering. Where's Ja? Well, JA IS NO MORE!

I'm joking, I'm joking - please calm down! It's me, Arcticstar8404 (you guys can call me Arctic or Arcticstar, whatever floats your boat) - the new author Gracie was hinting about!
I'll be covering for Ja today as she's away, and next week I'll take up my regular position as the Friday posts person.

And, since this is supposed to be a fill-in post for Ja, I'll save my introduction about myself and such for next week - my official first post! Now let's get going, shall we?

Today, in Jamaa we've got a couple of new Spring-y items. Firstly, we have the Spring Flower Horns for 750 gems in Jam Mart Furniture.

I'm sure some Jammers will find a use for these, but personally, I'm not a big fan.

We also have the Mossy Stone Path and the Large Nest in Jam Mart Furniture today! I really like both these items. The path will be good for a lot of gardens and things, and the nest is perfect for those mysterious eggs!

I'm concerned.
Also, AJHQ has been hiding secret items for sale in their featured dens lately. With the arrival of Spring, and soon - Easter, AJHQ has cleverly hidden an item in their Spring Cottage den!

It took me a while to find this at first, it's not nearly as obvious as some of the other ones. After frantic, random clicking I finally found it in the bottom right corner of the den:

Behold, the Pig Topiary, which is for nonmembers and members alike! It's definitely cute, but it looks very real... (in an AJ way). It's almost like the real playable character itself. It also looks like it knows things that I don't.
I'm not sure about you guys, but I prefer that my shrubbery don't look like they're up to something...

For the last bit of my post, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy Easter tomorrow! Personally, it's my favourite holiday of the year - yes folks, even more than Christmas and my birthday!

Wait... My birthday isn't a holiday. Err, ahem.

Anywho, as you have fun with bunnies, eggs, and chocolate (all tons of fun) I encourage you to keep in mind what Easter is really about.

See you in Jamaa!

Feel free to contact me at !


  1. 😂 good job on the first post arctic!

    1. Thanks fox, I look forward to writing more on this blog!

      - Arctic

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Violet! I can't wait to post some more in the future!

      - Arctic

  3. Ahaha! That comic XD Infiltrating my den hehe

    I would be concerned as well O.o hehe

    Yes.. that pig definatly knows something we don't know.. that's.. scary..

    I got my Easter basket yesterday *because I couldn't wait..* but also it's important to focus on Christ, and not on all the eggs and candy.

    Nice post, Arctic! I look forward to your next post on Friday!

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. Haha, so my first infiltration mission wasn't the best... There's always next time!

      My chicken is definitely up to something O.o

      Thanks Gracie, I look forward to Fridays!

      - Arctic

  4. It seriously took me about seven full seconds and a second look to figure out what was wrong with the chicken picture. XDDDD EPIC job, Arctic! I loafed the post so much! :D


    1. Hahaha, I really don't know what inspired me to do THAT but it sorta happened XD

      Thanks so much Karalee!

      - Arctic


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