
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Egg Update, Vol. 196, Rare Spiked Wristband Giveaway, And A New Author?

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with an update post! Lets jump into the Jamaa Journal.


On the first page, it says that Pet Eggs are here! On the Eggstravaganza page, when their cracked, they look.. Sorta disturbing.. But, as of right now, when their still 'whole', they look like a regular egg ^.^

I was looking at someones pet list, and I noticed that you name your pet after it's hatched, so as of right now, it's a name-less little creature 😜.

This is what the display looks like in the Diamond Shop,

And when you click on it, this pops up!

When you click 'BUY'. a color selection will come on your screen.

I made mine my favorite color combo, teal and white ^.^

The egg costs 3 diamonds, and unfortunately, is members only.

Me having a bit too much fun.. People in the Diamond Shop probably thought I was insane.


Now for the second page!

On this page, is another ad for the Eggstravaganza. I just love that penguin on the right side of the page! Super cute, and I might try to turn it into a transparent background graphic if I can.

Whats your thoughts on the Eggstravaganza? Be sure to comment down below!

Now for the next page!

Snow Leopards have returned to Jamaa! You can buy one today in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds.

Snow Leopards aren't my favorite avatar, but certainly aren't my least favorite. I once wrote a script, called 'The Life Of Leopards', and even filmed it on Animal Jam with my best friend, Coolcat, using these Snow Leopard avatars!

I never finished editing the 'movie', but I still have the footage.

On the right side of the page, it says that the Cruise Ship Party is back! I have not yet been to this years party, but as I recall from the previous years, it will probably have a shop, a Smoothie Maker, and the classic pool slide. 

Heres page 4!

On the left side of the page, it says that April 27th, Polar Bears will no longer be in the Diamond Shop, but on the right side, it says that Horses will be returning to Jamaa!

I'm not sure if I'm just slow to notice this, but I realized that Deer, and Dolphins, are both currently exploring.

Did you guys notice this? Or am I just slow 😛?

Now for the last page!

An ad for the Animal Jam Box! I didn't get the last one, and I'm not sure if I'll get this one, either. But maybe for my birthday in August I could put the Summer edition box on my wish list. 

The thing I'm most worried about if I request the Animal Jam Box, is if it's a bit too kiddish. I was watching Snowyclaw's unboxing video of the first Animal Jam Box, and I noticed that some of the items seemed to be too small, or kiddish.

As much as I love Animal Jam merchandise, they seem to be made for younger kids, and not the majority of Animal Jam, the tweens/teens.

But, you can never go wrong with the good ol' Animal Jam Plush toys. I love those, and have gotten the whole set, except for the Loopy Raccoon. 

Whats your opinion?


Now for the second part of the post!

If you watched Friendship Mail Episode 1, you may have noticed that Karalee, one of the blog authors, was generous enough to send me a Rare Red Long Spiked Wristband for Friendship Mail! 

Because I will be donating all the items I get in Friendship Mail for giveaways/contests, I decided to use this Wristband for a giveaway.

To enter the giveaway, comment down below, or Jam-A-Gram me, your username, and whats the one thing you wish you could change/add on The Animal Jam Friendship Community! The winner will get this 'snazzy' item,

And will get their suggestion for a change/addition to AJFC, actually happen on AJFC!

You have until April 21st 2017 to enter, and the winner will be announced April 22nd 2017.


Before this post comes to a close, I have some big news.

A new author will be joining the AJFC!

This author will be covering Ja983 this Saturday, while she's out of town, but her regular posting days will be Friday. Her first Friday post will be April 21st 2017.

I know a few of my buddies already know who it is, but in case you don't, heres a few clues.

1. She's a very talented writer, on a blog that has over 2 million views.
2. She's an amazing artist.
3. Her main look is this familiar little fox.. 

Know who it is? Comment down below.


Heres todays Bible verse!

Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Hello! I was wondering, where'd you get that awesome egg hat?

    1. Hi, Snow!

      Gfox got it for me at the Hot Cocoa Hut :D! Kinda an odd place for it to be. Spring item in a winter shop.. 😜

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. I've seen that fox before and feel like I know who it is but

  3. Cool! :D I would like to enter the giveaway, But the thing is, There's nothing I would change about this blog! :) And I can't even think of something you could add! I think its already perfect! Also, The new author is Arctic Star! :P

  4. Hi! My username is Gfox0 and one thing I wanna change about AJFC is...

    STOP BEING SO AWESOME! lol seriously, this is one of my favorite blogs to read!

  5. Hey, I'm iLoppio33 and sorry if I'm being harsh, I like how everyone works together to make this blog a real friendship community. But even great blogs always need improvement.

    I like visuals, I like the blog but if I were to change the blog I'd make it a channel. There's just so much more you could do with it.

    Maybe I'm just being a typical famous jammer fangirl since my other recent comment was video related but with your voices, an animated perhaps Blogger Portal and like, more personality it could possibly be am improvement

    I know its impossible but it's fine, this blog as a blog is pretty great as it is. :)

    1. Duuuuude. o.o Animated Blogger Portal.

      That is the best idea EVERRRR! XD

      Unfortunately I don't think it's within our capabilities. We'd need to be (or hire) reeeeally good animators. And the blog ain't got any funds. XD



      Please, guys? C:




    4. o.o That. Is excellent.


  6. Username: Nafaria8

  7. Congrats Arctic for being the new author!! :D

    I'd like to enter! User is lostfairy, of course, and I can't really think of anything... Maybe have some other bloggers do guest posts? Or something? :D

    By the way, about that penguin you wanna make into a graphic...

    Use this link... XD

  8. Great post!

    I wonder who the new author is...

    1. CX *snicker* I have nooooo ideeeeaaaaa....


  9. Oh. Um, question.

    I can't actually enter to win the item that I donated, I think... but I wanted to make a teensy suggestion. :D

    One of my favorite things (*cue annoyingly persistent The Sound Of Music song stuck in my head*) about Nafaria9's blog, the Animal Jam Whip, is how she changes her header and background every so often.

    So I was thinking, since we have *counts on fingers* six authors, now, maybe we could work out a "thing" where we each get to design/put together a background and header for the Animal Jam Friendship Community each month! :D (That way we'd each get to have a go twice a year.)

    Whatcha think of the idea, Gracie? C:


  10. Ooh! How about new decorations!
    Also, my username is unicornmagic4ever.
    Also, I really Iove reading this blog!
    Also, keep up the good work!
    Also, you know what... never mind.... :p

  11. My username is sarahkey8 (as you know XD)

    I think Kara's idea is amazing! :D We could alll design a header :) :)

  12. User: Ja983
    Idea: I think we should,
    for one. Add Arctic to the authors thing at the top of the page. :P
    Ok here is my real idea. XD
    I seriously think of anything. lol
    I like it how it is.
    But if I get a idea. I'll share it! :D
    *King Tough Bunny


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4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
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