
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Interview With Lovenarwhal!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with an interview post!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of interviewing my buddy, Lovenarwhal! So without further ado, here is the interview I had with her!


Q. "What was it like going to Vid Con with the famous jammers?"

A. "Super fun, although I honestly didn't care for the convention I liked hanging with the jammers at the hotel and meeting the fans most"

Q. "Whats it like being famous :D?"

A. "Normal, I guess? ive become used to it haha
Though since i took a break im not really famous anhymore LOL"

Q. "Do you like hanging out with the famous jammers :D?"

A. "Yes! for sure"

Q. "What are they like? Are they different off camera?" 

A. "the are.. hmm
Wisteriamoon is also super hyper
And snowy is calm as always
Anddddd twinkle is pretty cool same with bepper
bepper is pretty funny"

Q. "Did you ever think you might become famous? Do you like it?"

A. "no i just made videos at first as a hobby but never thought it would 
go anywhere
But yeah i like it, its pretty fun"

Q. "is it annoying if fans follow you XD"

A. "sometimes i guess LOL 
If you keep on asking for a buddy request it tends to be annoying
But most of the time i dont mind"


A huge thanks again to Lovenarwhal! To show my appreciation, I will be sending you a Diamond Item gift ^.^. Please check your JAG's for it!

Comment call: Would you like to see more of these Q&A type videos?

Heres todays Bible verse!

Revelation 3:19

I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.

Remember, God made YOU!



  1. Why are you buddies with all the famous Jammers? XD

    1. Not really.. XD I'm buddies with like, 3 out of 20 😜 And really it was like a chain how it happened..

      AJHQ buddied me for a contest
      I followed AJHQ and Bepper buddied me
      I followed Bepper and Narwhal buddied me.. thinking about it it's weird how that happened XDD

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. I want to be a Jambassador someday. C: I am studying to make the best videos possible! :D

    (Then you guys will be buddies with another Famous Jammer.... XDDDD I am kidding. I really don't like the idea of being "famous". It's scary at times.)

    Mom says that being YouTube famous isn't like being movie star famous. It's like having a gazillion friends, because the point is to make it feel like they know you.

    I am an introvert.

    I can foresee some problems with attempting to make a gazillion friends.

    BUT HEY. XDD Why the Jam-A-Gram not try this?? I'll give it a shot!

    (Something tells me I will only get through this with a heaping scoop of crazy injected into all my videos and offscreen interactions. Good thing crazy's funny! :D)


    1. Yeah, I'm gonna try working to become a Jambassador too :) Step 1 would be trying to comment on the DE and be as positive and helpful as I can, then try to gift people, and maybe make some videos. I dunno, I'm excited what the future may bring :D

      But really, being positive, and doing all of these things to earn something, shouldn't be the case. Im gonna try and do it from the heart, with God's help.

      I wish you good luck :DD!

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, I've been wanting to interview her for a while :D! Glad she let me :)

      Remember, God made YOU!

  4. Cool :D

    Should be able to make it to the party

  5. Would you like to see more of these Q&A type videos?

    Dont you mean posts ^.^ XD


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