
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Our trip to our brothers wedding

It was really fuuun!
Since I know all of you wanna know how it went. I"m gonna start from the beginning. So this might take awhile. :P
(I will not be saying the names of the states around me,)
So first we woke up around 7:40 maybe? In the morning, I was pretty excited! But also like, "Oh my gosh if I'm car sick the whole time, I'll be wishing I stayed home ....."
I get carsick easy. ....
So anyway we packed, there isn't much to say. :P
For the cats, (Fire and Smokey) we completely changed their kitty litter bags, redid all their food and water. and put in a third kitty litter box.
So around I'm pretty sure 9:20 or so, On a Thursday.
In the car our mom had packed a few things for us to play with. A few cool coloring books, Rubik cube. ETC. XD
We also had a tablet. a 3DS, and all the older boys brought their phones.
The first few hours were really fun! We got to play on the tablet which we installed like 7 games because this was really the first time we used it.
I thought it would be kinda boring. Because our car didn't have a CD player!!!! SO WE COULDN'T LISTEN TO ADVENTURES IN ODYSSEY. D: :C
But oh well we made it fine. Our dad played music. Most of it was ok! :D but some of the kinda music he listens to, I'm just like ehhh.
(But I got to hear a really old song from the past bringing up memories. :P)
Before I knew it we were in BEEEEEEEP (:P) The traffic was WAAAY better then I thought it would be, one time it was like. An hour worth of it. Uggggh.
Everyone got half an hour of the tablet to start.
But the tablet only lasted for 5 hours. And for the first day we were going to drive for 12 hours.
But when there is music. (Even some music I don't really like) I'm fine with it! :)
But when my dad turned over to political station on the radio. I was like. Uh ok.
It really wasn't all that bad I guess. Buh I prefer music. XDD
Btw guys Boo Boo was REALLY good! He didn't even hardly cry! :DDD
About every few hours we would start for bathroom breaks. And have a snack. Lemme tell you guys! Mom got GOOD snacks!
Goldfish, fruit snacks, Twizzlers, granola bars, energy bars, gogurt, raspberry tootsie pop. And a few other things.
We tried not to make it so messy. And it did kinda work for a while. :P
We stopped for dinner at a place called "Jack in The Box" It was pretty good! but Boo Boo kept trying to grab my drinking straw! LOL
By that time only Tox had thrown up. It wasn't to bad. :)
After we ate we went back to the car. I picked up a rock from the parking lot. (Do you think the police are after me!?) :P
The last few hours before we got to the first hotel were boring.
And I was tired. But we finally got there, got some of our stuff in. And when to bed. Me and Sarah slept on the foldout couch. It was pretty comfortable, but the blanket was paper thin! D;
We brought Boo Boo's pack n play, because it's one of those ones you can fold.
The next day. Our dad called us to get up and get ready for breakfast. And the reason he called, is bc we were in separate rooms.
The breakfast was pretty good, I got diet yogurt, (yuck, I did NOT want that) and a waffle.
There was a TV, with some political stuff on, And some stuff about the Titanic (Cool Cat) And how some people were gonna I think dive down to the crash site, and find some stuff. It looked pretty cool! :D
After breakfast. (I really didn't get that full, :P)
We went back to our room, packed up and left.
We charged the tablet that night so it was fully charged.
You Guys: Um duh Ja!
Me: Opps! XD Moving on!
The next day we got to BEEEP! I got to see the mountains, It was fun!
Because we don't have ANY mountains here in BEEEEEP
I almost threw up. But luckily that was right before we stopped for lunch. So I was fine! :DDD
This day we were suppose to reach our brothers town.
We were gonna go to the hotel, and meet him and his future wife at a restaurant.
The restaurant was REALLY good! A buffet!
Our bro's future wife was kinda late, but she made it! I really liked her.
She even gave us girls a present! :)
And just so you guys know, she was black. BUT WHO CARES! :DDD
I really don't get people who don't like other people just bc of their skin color. it's just mean :( I just don't get it!

So after talking for a hour or two. We all left.
The next day was the wedding! :DDD
That night at the hotel we all took a shower.
And got ready for bed.
I  liked this hotel a LOT better then the other one. It had a nice green fuzzy blanket. Reminded me of home. And this blue fuzzy blanket I have on now. XD
That night me and Sarah talked about a few Animal Jam things. Some thing's about Kawii Cubs. (It's a sister things. don't ask :P)
And Lord of the Rings. And kept laughing about a certain funny part. LOL
I laugh from just thinking about it.
It would take awhile to explain.
We talked till mom came in and told us to quiet down.
So we fell asleep.
And next morning got up, fed Boo Boo,
Got dressed. Got some balloons that some people just left on a tree because the balloons wouldn't fit in the car. :P
And we were off!
This my first time going to our brother's church.
I liked it a lot!
But away, we went inside. And uhhh
The bride was half an hour late for the wedding. XD
I didn't mind.
I got to meet someone who introduce me and Sarah to a few of her friends.
But sadly we didn't get to talk that long.
I wish we did. :(
So right before the flower girls, and so were ready, it was kinda funny because at every sounds, our bro would look at the door, waiting. XD
When the flower girls and such came forward, the little toddler had a basket of paper flowers.
And was throwing them on the ground. and then would stop. Throw some stop.
And it wasn't like gracefully throwing them. lol
She was throwing them hard. LOL
Everyone just started laughing. XDDD
Anyway the bride came forth. The groom had a smile.
And the ceremony began. :D
It lasted for about half an hour. But it seemed a lot shorter. XD
After all that. We went to a little hour near the church. And ate.
It was REALLY good!
The bride, groom, and my mom and dad, got their food first. then the rest of the family
Her family was in another country. :(
She had to come over here with her uncle.
And he wasn't a christian so he didn't even come to the wedding.
The food was reaaaallly good.
Took awhile for the cake.
But OMG what my bro did was sooooo funnnyy! LOLOLOLOL
You know how the bride and groom cut a piece of the cake. and then they feed each other a piece?
Everyone was laughing!
But he got it the second time.
It was a lot of fun.
We got some white balloons. Filled with helium! I so enjoy breathing that in. Tox had some, and he was laughing in a REALLY squeaky voice it was funny. XDDD
My bro showed us his house.
It's kinda a little village  that all the people that go to church live in.
Because their a bit poor.
But their very happy!
So while the bride was changing out of her dress. and the groom was just talking.
The pastor, and some of the guys soaped both of their cars with "Just married" XDD
And then the Bride and Groom left for the honeymoon. :)
And guys, do you know what this means?!
After a bit we left too. Back to the hotel.
Watched a bit of TV, a show called "What in the World?" It was acauully pretty cool!
Some of it was related to the bible. It was really interesting!
The next day we went to church, (Of coarse the same one) Bro and wife weren't there of coarse. XD
 We had fun. Boy can those people sing! :D
We played a bit. Then we left. The pastor treated us to a pizza buffet place called CiCi's I think it was called SOOOOOO GOOD! :D
We stayed there for a long time.
And pretty much the whole church came :o (They gotta a small church, maybe uhhh 60 people? Idk)
We started going home right from the pizza place.
The ride to the hotel was really nice.
Really conferrable even more then the last.
AND IT WAS REALLY COOL. Pob and Sarah hated it. They don't like heights ......
At night me and Sarah, talked about a lot of really weird stuff. Some of it with out mom. XD
In the morning we had breakfast. IT WAS REALLLLY GOOD
And guys, Boo Boo is now officially starting to be a little sassy. :(
He wanted Sarah's drinking straw, and we had to take it away. Boy did he squeak! :O
We left, right after.
We got good music for a hour or so.
only like a hour and 15 minutes.
WE GOT A ROCKER right next to us 
Rocker: A person with their music up as loud as they can have it without going def 

Omg we could hardly hear OUR OWN MUSIC!
It was like this
I ..... imagine .... that ...... day ........ come

I think my ears were vibrating ....
And I'm not joking about the song. Ugh

Before I know it. We were in BEEEEP again! Only a few hours from home!!
I was really excited to get back home and see the kitties again. And to talk to all you guys again.
*Sigh happily*
When we got home, I kissed the door.
You Guys: Uhhhhh ok!
Fire was in the girl's room.
And we couldn't find smokey.
You think we would find her first lying in the middle of the floor. XD
Me and pob did kitty litter, It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
The water was fine, food, fine. Kit Lit (Kitty Litter) Ok.
Pukes: 3
Bathroom breaks: Forgot, but not THAT many. XD
Clothe changes for Boo Boo: Idk
Hope you enjoyed reading this post guys!
Hope I can talk to you guys soon!
*King Tough Bunny


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! I also get car sick easy It's no fun :P
    I got a Cici"s where I live, There cinnamon rolls are so good! XD

    1. XD Ginger pills are AMAZING!
      *King TOugh BUnny

  2. I'm so glad you and Sarah are back! Boy did I miss you guys, even though it was just a few days. I literally had a dream about you guys on Friday... XDD I have so much to tell you guys, I can't wait ^.^

    She sounds really nice, but um- late 😜

    *looks at time* Welp I better get outta bed.. I'll be on AJ in about 15 minutes, I hope we can catch up :)

    Glad you guys made it back safely :D

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. XD We're glad to be back! :D
      Ohhhh A AJ dreaaam. Once I had a dream where me and Sarah met you and CC at a hard/soft ball game! XD


      Lol ok I'll be onnnn innnnn uh maybe 30 minutes? I gotta clean my room.


      And YOU!
      *King Tough Bunny

  3. wow sounds like you had a great time! ( i have a cici's near me too XD) -penelopeiscute

  4. So that was the trip Sarah mentioned to me todayXD Sounds like you had a lot of fun!! I always wondered what it would be like to go to a wedding. I've only been to a wedding reception

  5. Cool! On Saturday, I went to Walmart, and I saw a van driving through the parking lot with lots of kids in it and I wondered for a moment if it was your van XD


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