
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

And The Winner Is...

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, announcing the winner of the second annual Fanfiction Writing Contest.

I'm very excited to announce, that the winner is...


Every time I host one of these contests, I seem to read one story, that stands out from the rest, and really, cannot be topped.

This year, I felt that way with Gfox0's story, entitled, "Bernice and the Easter Mess-up.". It really was an excellent story, showing the true meaning of Easter, and really, to me it showed how well- AJHQ tends to act towards Christians. So without further ado, here is "Bernice and the Easter Mess-up."!


Chapter one:

In the land of Jamaa, it was the day before Easter. All of Jamaa was getting ready for Easter by putting up decorations, making peanut carrot cookies, and of course, learning about Jesus!

In another part of Jamaa called Appondale, a young cougar named Bernice was getting ready for something super special.

"Ah, almost ready for my meeting with the Alphas!" Bernice exclaimed. 

She wore a dress with pink, yellow, and blue pastel colors, a pink head flower, and a beautiful necklace with a charm of an egg on it. 

"I of course have to dress up appropriate for the season!" Bernice said, strutting around her room.

Bernice checked her iPaw. It was 11:30. "Yikes! I don't wanna be late!" She exclaimed as she hurried out of her room.

She almost bumped into a flower pot on her way out of her house. "Ack! I also need to be clean for the meeting!" She slightly cringed, and continued to rush out of her house.

As she opened her front door, a blast of cool air hit her. She smiled as a breeze hit her. She shivered in delight and continued to walk.

She was going to meet the Alphas at their secret training grounds in Mt. Shiveer. 

"I can't wait to get there!" She said excitedly to herself. 

Suddenly, her iPaw buzzed. "Oh!" She exclaimed. She looked at her phone to see Graham calling her! She squealed in excitement and answered her iPaw. 

"H-Hello?! This is Alpha Bernice Tailwagger speaking!" She said, trying to sound as professional as she could. 

Graham slightly chuckled. "Hey, can you meet us at the Jamaasian Theater instead of Mt. Shiveer? We are gonna help with the Easter Play." He said.

That was only down the road from Bernice. "S-Sure! I'll be there in a bit!" She said, and hung up.

"Whew! Looks like I'm going to the Jamaasian Theater instead!" Bernice said, and began to walk the opposite direction towards the Theater. 

Finally, she reached the Jamaasian Theater. 

There were Jammers everywhere, working on sets, talking, and making costumes. 

Bernice spotted the panda alpha, Liza, helping two bunnies. Bernice walked over to her.

"Liza! I-It's me, Bernice!" Bernice said. "Greetings, Bernice. I'm glad you have came to help us." Liza said. Her voice was very soothing. 

Bernice smiled to herself. "What can I do to help?" Bernice asked Liza. "Well, in not exactly in charge of this operation. Ask Sir. Gilbert." Liza said. 

"Oh.. alright!" Bernice said, as she began to look around for Sir. Gilbert. 

She saw him bossing around a penguin and pig. "No! Absolutely NOT!" Sir. Gilbert said, not in the nicest tone.

What's that all about?
Bernice inched close behind them to hear what was going on.

"But Sir. Gilbert, what about the Jammers watching! Some of them need to be witnessed by Jesus!" The penguin exclaimed.

"We are not talking about that anymore!" Sir. Gilbert roared. His temper was starting to lash out.

"That's not fair to us Christians." The pig said calmly, but defense fully. They both left the theater.

Woah... what just happened? 

Sir. Gilbert turned around, to see Bernice standing there. "O-Oh! Hello there. Can I help you?" Sir. Gilbert asked nicely, hoping Bernice didn't see what just happened.

"Sir. Gilbert. It's me, Bernice! The new cougar alpha? Ring a bell?" She asked hoping he'd remember her.

"Ah! Yes! I remember you. Well, I suppose you're hear to help with the play!" Sir. Gilbert said, sounding a bit too cheery.

"Yes, uh, I am!" Bernice said. 

"Alright, your working on the stage sets!" "That bunny will help you get started!" Sir. Gilbert pointed to a bunny flying above a stage background, with a paint brush in its mouth. It started painting the background. 

Of course the bunny's ears reminded her of a helicopter. She couldn't help but giggle at the thought of a bunny helicopter.

Sir. Gilbert looked oddly at her, and then shook his head. "Alright, go ahead and get to work!" "Yes sir!" Bernice saluted him and walked over to the bunny.

"Excuse me!" Bernice yelled up to the bunny. The bunny continued working, not even hearing her. 

"Hello?! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Bernice yelled as loud as she could. 

Half the theater was staring at her.


The bunny flew down to her. "Quite a voice you got there! I'm Hopper! Nice to meet you!" Hopper sounded very hyper. Like he seemed like he drank three cups of coffee.

"I'm Bernice, the cougar alpha." Bernice said very proud. "Oh..." Hopper trailed off. He looked down at the ground. "What's wrong?" Bernice asked Hopper, sounding very concerned.

"It's just.... I thought you would be like the other Alphas... bossing us around... telling us that we can't be Christians..." Hopper frowned.

"What?! They do that?!" Bernice asked in a half shocked tone. She suddenly remembered how Sir. Gilbert was treating the pig and penguin about the play. "Oh my..."

I'm a Christian too.... if that's what they are gonna do... then should I be an alpha…?

Chapter two:

As Bernice worked on the backgrounds, she couldn't help but space off and think about what happened earlier. 

What should I do? I mean I'm Christian, but I don't wanna loose my place as an alpha! Besides, I'm the first cougar alpha! Bernice! And.... Bernice!

"Huh?!" Bernice snapped out of her thoughts. "I said Bernice like twice! You gotta pay attention!" Hopper said. 

"Oops.." Bernice continued painting. 

Liza walked up to Hopper, a huge frown in her face. "What did we say about the backgrounds? No crosses on the backgrounds." Liza said in a slightly disturbed tone.  

Bernice was seeing and hearing all of this. Seriously? Hopper was right...

"S-Sorry ma'am..." Hopper said nervously. He slightly cringed as he painted over the cross.

As Bernice painted, she kept thinking about how rude the Alphas seemed. This isn't fair... I wish they'd stop.

Well, Bernice should've watched where she was going.

"Bernice!! Watch out!!" 

To Bernice's horror, her hind leg slipped off the wooden standing set. 

She quickly clawed the standing set, trying to hold on for her dear life. "Ahh!! Help!!" 

Her legs were dangling off the wooden set, all but her two front legs. She felt her claws start to detach from the wooden standing set.

She fell off the wooden standing set, which was about twelve feet off the ground. "AHHH!!" Bernice screamed in terror as she fell down. 

Thump! Splash! 

Bernice fell into a big bucket of paint. 

Bernice had paint all over her dress, her fur, you name it. 

She felt the whole theater crew staring at her. They all started to laugh at Bernice. "Hush!" the Alphas tried to calm down the laughing crew.

She felt her eyes start to water. She started to cry. 

She quickly hopped out of the paint bucket, and ran. 

"Bernice! No! Wait!" She heard Liza call after her. I can't look back! It's too embarrassing! 

She felt the wind start to blow against her. She heard the wind howl in her ears, like a sad melody. 

She ran as far as she could. She didn't even care where she was going, just as long as it wasn't that wretched theater.

Finally, she stopped running. She began to pant and breathe hard. "Phew... man I ran hard!" 

After she caught her breathe, she looked around her to realize she was somewhere very different from the theater.

She finally ended up in the middle of Sarepia Forest. 

"Wow... and I ran very far." She was surrounded by humongous oak trees.

There was the sound of rushing water nearby and there was a beautiful melody playing, it sounded very peaceful. 

Bernice walked towards the sound of the rushing water to reveal a waterfall pouring into a lake.

It was massive, and the water was beautiful. Light sparkled off the reflection of the lake. It reminded her very much of a shining crystal. 

Well... I should get this paint off of me.

Bernice waded into the lake. All of the paint suddenly dripped off of her and vanished into the lake. 

After she finished her bath, she rested under one of the towering oak trees.

"This place is so peaceful... I could stay here forever." She sighed contently and dozed off.

Bernice... listen to me. 

Bernice gasped as she heard a voice coming from the clouds.

Don't be afraid. It is me, God. I have come to talk to you about what happened earlier. 

Bernice gasped once again. "G-God...?Is it really you?!" 

God chuckled. Listen to me, Bernice. Earlier the Alphas were forcing christians against their wills, and trying to make them forget about Christianity.

Bernice sighed. "Yeah, I know. I was there when it happened." 

Exactly. The Alphas do not know that what they did was wrong, and they need someone to witness to them.

Bernice gulped. "You're not saying I witness to them, right? Because after what just happened earlier embarrassed me really badly." 

Bernice, you don't have to be embarrassed. Humans make mistakes.

Bernice sighed. "Yeah, but I'm scared! What if I loose my job as an alpha?"

You never have to be afraid when I'm here at your side.... 

Bernice gasped and hopped awake. "It was just a dream..." Bernice stretched and yawned. She sat wondering about the dream. "Maybe that dream meant something..." 

She shuffled backwards, laying on her back. She thought about the dream some more. "It did mean something." 

She hopped up. "If anyone's gonna help the Alphas, I'm definitely gonna try to! After all, what's a girl got to loose?" She said determinedly.

She quickly ran over to the lake one last time before she left. She bent down, and began to lap up some water.

"Ah... now, no more distractions, I got some Alphas to witness to!" 

Bernice began to run away from the lake into the woods which she came from yesterday. She looked back one last time, and continued to run.

Chapter 3: 

Bernice was determined to witness to the Alphas. She ran quickly through the woods, into Jamaa Township.

There sat the Jamaasian Theater. "Oh boy... here goes nothing..." Bernice said, a tiny quiver in her voice. 

As she walked towards the theater, she grew more and more nervous. "Agh! I can't do this!" She exclaimed, starting to cry. 

You never have to be afraid.....

Bernice remembered what God had told her in her dream earlier. She wiped her eyes, and continued to walk to the theater.

There every jammer was, completing the stage sets, rehearing lines, and singing Easter songs. 

As Bernice hopped onto the stage, Hopper ran to her. "BERNICE!!! You're back!!!" Hopper said excitedly, dancing around. Bernice giggled. "And I'm glad I'm back!" 

Bernice started to search for the other Alphas. Hmm... there's Liza over there, and of course Sir. Gilbert there.... all who's missing is... Peck, Greely, Cosmo, and Graham. 

Bernice walked across the stage, to Liza. "Liza! I have a question!" Liza glanced up, and gasped. "Bernice, you're back! I'm glad your okay." She said in a slightly excited, but mostly concerned voice. "What is it?" 

"I was wondering where all the other Alpha's are?" Bernice asked. "They will be here at 8:00, for the Easter play. It's tonight, you know." Liza said in a I'm-expecting-to-see-you-there tone. 

Bernice nodded quickly. "Perfect! I-I mean, thank you, Liza." Liza softly laughed. "You're welcome, Bernice." Bernice slightly smiled at Liza, and walked back over to Hopper. 

"Hopper, I'm planning on something big this evening at the play. Can you paint me a starry background a big cross in the middle?" Bernice asked Hopper. "But... the Alphas said nothing that resembles Christianity...." Hopper trailed off. 

Bernice gave Hopper a slight grin. "Where's the Hopper I met earlier? I remember a hard working, hyper, hopeful Hopper. Where is that Hopper at?" Hopper straightened his back up. "I'm right heeeere!" Hopper said excitedly, as he ran to get working on the background. 

Bernice smiled to herself. "Oh yes, where's the penguin and pig at from earlier?" She looked around the stage for them. She spotted them standing on the ground, far from the stage set. 

She quickly ran over to them. "Hey! I'm Bernice, the cougar alpha. I am wondering if you could read this verse from the Bible... on my stage set..?" 

The penguin and pigs eye's widened. "But do you KNOW what Sir. Gilbert said?!" They both exclaimed at once. "Yes I do, but I disagree with him!" Bernice said, in a pleading voice. "Alright, we'll do it!" The penguin said determinedly. "Yeah!" The pig chimed in. "Alright, get reading!"

Bernice watched them read the Bible verse, and recite it. Look at me, directing my own little scene! Bernice smiled to herself. 

As Bernice worked and helped on the stage, she lost track of time. "Bernice! It's 7:30!" Hopper exclaimed in a excited, but rushed tone. "Oh! Thanks for telling me, Hopper!" Bernice quickly ran backstage, and looked at every jammer working. Luckily there was only the Christian Jammers back there.

Bernice stood in front of them, stamping her paws to get their attention. "Alright, we have half an hour till our scene. I'm gonna make sure all the Alphas see this!" Bernice announced.

There were excited and nervous chatting heard, while everyone got ready. Bernice checked her iPaw. "It's 7:56...." She peeked out of the stage room, and watched the beginning of the show. 

There were bright lights, and applauds heard. All the main Alphas were on stage! Bernice squealed in excitement, and continued to watch. 

Cosmo spoke up. "Hello every jammer. Thank you so much for coming! I present to you... Jamaasian's 47th Easter Show!" Every jammer applauded. 

The show began. There was children doing Easter sing-alongs, Easter plays, and even fireworks! 

Finally, it was Bernice's time to shine. Bernice walked out onto the stage, and stared around her. The sky was dark, and full of stars, and crickets chirping. Bernice spoke up. "Hello every jammer. I am Bernice, the Cougar Alpha. I see how Christians are treated here, and I decided to witness to not just the Alphas... but everyone." 

The Alphas stared in shock. There were loud whispers heard. Bernice looked back at Hopper, and slightly nodded. A huge background dropped behind her. It had a cross on it, and a beautiful angel watching down on the cross. The crowd gasped.

The penguin and pig walked into stage, with a bible in the penguins paw. "Hello. Tonight we are reading you a bible verse, that changed a bunch of Jammers hearts." The pig announced.

The penguin began. "John 3:16 says, For god so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Every jammer was speechless. Even the Alphas. 

Bernice began to talk again. "So you see, every jammer needs god in their lives. Even the Alphas." The Alphas got into the stage. 

"I....we.. didn't know." Sir. Gilbert said in shock. Greely turned to Bernice. "Bernice, you are truly a wonderful Alpha." 

The whole crowd began to clap. Bernice smiled big. I really did it... 

That, my friends is the Story of Bernice and the Easter Mess-up.


Congratulations, Fox! Please check your JAG's for these snazzy prizes!

Again, thank you Crazcatlover for donating the spiked collar!

Hope you enjoy it!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 20:22

Don't say, "I will get even for this wrong." Wait for the LORD to handle the matter.

Such a good verse, that I think all of us should live by.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. I'm... in shock oh my gosh!!! Thank you so much! KDKFJDJDJRJDENNEEN!!!!!

    And congrats to everyone else also!!

  2. Congrats Gfox0!!!

  3. Dude, G! :O :D Epic! *claps*

    (Though I would like to point out that AJHQ doesn't say that you can't be a Christian. And they do approve Masterpieces with crosses sometimes... Chocolate4froggy's MP in Hyenine1's den, and Sarahkey8's MP, and I'm sure there are others. Not to mention Windycityblues' Last Supper MP....)

    I know it's hard sometimes to witness in Animal Jam because of this, but they're attempting to be 'neutral', as part of their appealing-to-all audiences angle. I'm not saying it's a good angle... but that's why. It's a company thing.


  4. Congrats Fox! :D I LOVED your story :)

    (Btw, anyone else who is not Fox or Gracie, I'm sure your story was amazing too!)

  5. Congrats Gfox!
    Though really, you shouldn't complain. At least AJHQ DOES do some things for Christians (St. Patricks day, Easter). Then, Jews get close to nothing.
    On the other hand, this nothing against Christians. I think everyone should believe in what they wish, and that there should be no fighting.
    Once more, I loved your entry!

  6. Congratulations, Fox!

    But really, I get why AJ doesn't have things that yell out "Christian!" Its not to offend us believers. AJHQ would probably fear losing players if they had one religion in the game. Sadly, the world thinks if you add one, you add them all. Plus, the game is supposed to be all neutral, so anyone and everyone can play. But I get your point. :)


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