
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Arctic Wolf Update - Vol. 198!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with the bi-weekly update! Before we jump into the update, let's take a look at some madness that happened in AJHQ's den, before the update.. People thought this was the end of the world..

First everything was pretty calm, and someone had blankets on trade in preparation for the update.. Even though, there wasn't a blizzard or anything..

But then madness started happening..

Actually no.. There wasn't an ice age..

No it's not..

Heh well anyways, on with the update!


Here's the first page of the Jamaa Journal.

Hold up-
Theres a new format of the Jamaa Journal..?
I was honestly very upset when I saw the new format, because well, I don't like change 😏.. But really, I liked the old one better. It said the volume, had a bit of a preview on the front cover, and things like that. What do you think of it?
On this page, it says theres a new animal! It's a Snowflake Arctic Wolf. I believe this is why AJHQ had the sneak peek all wintery, but I think it was a bit misleading, because it seemed like a snowstorm in Jamaa. But, I do really like this Arctic Wolf! Though, it is kind of strange AJHQ released a snowy animal in May, but I guess in some places it still is snowing.
You can buy it in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds, and it is members only.

Also, the Arctic Wolf statue in the Diamond Shop, has snowflakes on it now!

Now for the second page,

At last, the Summer Carnival has returned! Me and my Mom love playing games together at the Summer Carnival, so I'm very excited to play again this year. Heres a quick little walk through video, I did of the Summer Carnival!


It seems that theres some new items this year, but unfortunately, no new games. I'm hoping next year theres a new game!

Now for page three,

On this page, it says that there's now a brand new pet in some of the pet eggs! I wonder if possibly it could be a Pet Sloth, from the leak National Geographic Kids gave us.

Or, the Pet Sloth could possibly be a promo pet. We will have to wait and see! I'm excited to see what the new pet might be.

Onto the next page,

The Beach House, and Phoenix Armor, has returned! The Beach House is for sale in the Diamond Shop for 7 diamonds, and the whole set of Phoenix Armor, would be 9 diamonds. I honestly am not a huge fan of the Phoenix Armor, but I'm sure many other Jammer's are happy at the return! Though, I do believe some Jammer's won't be happy that a lot in this update are diamond, and member's only. 

Now for page five,

Many Jammer's guessed that the new animal might be a Fennec Fox, because of the newest Wild Explorer's video, and the new pet on Play Wild, but instead, Coyotes will be coming! I'm very excited for this animal to come.

Recently, I was browsing Snowyclaw's blog, Animal Jam Archives, and one of the authors on there, posted about a potential animal leak, they found on Tufwoolfy's Instagram page, and it does look a lot like the Coyote up there.

So, this is most likely what the Coyotes will look like in-game!

Now for page six,

As we saw in the last update, there is now 1,000 animal slots! I couldn't believe this when I saw it, because I'm always running out of animal slot space, so this was a huge help for me. Another great members only feature! As promised, this really has been one of the best years on Animal Jam for members.

Onto page seven,

Falcon's are now traveling, and on May 25th, Lion's will be leaving the Diamond Shop. I'm guessing the reason Falcon's are traveling, is to make room for the Snowflake Arctic Wolves, and the Lion's will be leaving to make room for the Coyote's. It would be neat if all the Diamond Shop animals 
never traveled/explored, so Jammer's could be free to buy any Diamond Shop animal at all times. What do you think of this? Should there be traveling/exploring animals? Be sure to comment down below with your opinion!

I thought it would be neat to make the Falcon, and Lion, transparent graphics, so I decided to do that. Here they are! They're free to use, no credit needed, just please don't claim as your own.


Now for page eight,

It says that from May 15th-29th, Animal Jam Membership's will be on sale, at select GameStop stores in the United States. I'm not sure how much Membership's normally are during these sales, because I've only been in a GameStop once, and I'm not sure the sale was even going on when we went. The 3 month Membership's are normally $18.95, so hopefully the price will be reduced to $15.00, or $12.00. 

Now for the ninth page,

This page, and page ten, are really things we already know from the last update.
On the left side of the page, it says how Horse's, Pet Piglet's, and the Ol' Barn, have all returned, so you can have some 'Farm Fun'! You can buy a Horse for 1,000 gems, the Piglet for 3 diamonds, and the Ol' Barn for 5,000 gems! 
There's a little reminder on the right side of the page, that in Bahari Bargains, and Suken Treasures, theres now ocean diamond items! Hopefully this will make the oceans more popular.

Now for the last page,

Another reminder, that the new adventure, Storming The Fortress is here. In all honesty, I would not recommend this adventure to younger players, or more sensitive viewers. This adventure really was intense, and honestly made me quite nervous. Maybe that's just me, I don't know, but I didn't really like the adventure because of that.


This wasn't my favorite update, because it seemed like a lot of returning things, and reminders. But, it did have a lot of positive things, like the Snowflake Arctic Wolves, the Summer Carnival, and the announcement that Coyotes are coming!

Comment call: What did you think of the update? On a scale of 1-10, what do you rate it?


Heres todays Bible verse!

Psalm 25:5

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

Remember, God made YOU!

P.S. I made a new signature, I was kinda getting tired of my old one. Do you like it?


  1. I've started working on your drawing! Here's the sketch:

    1. Ahh thank you so much! I love it! CX

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. I agree, this update wasn't my favorite. But that's ok. ^.^

    I would love pet sloths but, erm, sloths don't come from eggs... XD

    Waitttt, you didn't like Storming the Fortress?! :OOO That's literally one of my favorites! I personally think it wasn't that intense. Yes, it was kinda intense but that doesn't mean that's a bad thing. Plus, it's an online game, nothing to be nervous about. ;)

    Nice signature! :D I really loved the old one but this is good too! ^.^

    1. Yeah. I wish there was a blizzard XDDD

      Um- good point- O.O OH GRACIE WHY DIDNT YOU THINK OF THE REALITY OF THIS *facepalm* I'm not very smart sometimes XDD

      Eh, I know. It's kinda like the suspension of disbelief though. It feels real, because your wrapped up in it, even though you know it's not real. I like more the slow pace adventures, like The Great Escape, Return of the Phantoms, etc.

      Thanks! But it didn't have my main animal in it, it had my goat, so I wanted to change it XD

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. I agree that the sneak-peek was misleading, But the arctic wolves are still cool!

    I knew it was coyotes! If that's actually them, they look so cute! I hope that's what they will look like!

    I've been wondering about those sloth pets... I bet they are a promo, But At the same time, I'm not so sure. :P

    I also don't like the new jamma journal thing, I liked the news paper much better. :(

    PS Love the new signature! :D


  5. I don't like the new jamaa journal D: To Play Wildish
    But at least there are EGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Now sense I spent all my diamonds on eggs, i need to save up for the coyote when they come out XD

    Sloths don't hatch from eggs.... XDDDD

    I loved the old one siggy! And I love the new one! :D


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