
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Coyote/Western Update - Vol. 199!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with the update! This was a really great update, so let's jump right into it, starting with page 1 of the Jamaa Journal!


Coyotes are here! These little guys are honestly, super adorable. They're for sale in the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds! Unfortunately, I was unable to get one, due to this 'minor' detail..

I spent them all on masterpieces, because I forgot the update was this Thursday.. Oopsy..

But, me and my friend, Frozen, did a little video, of her showing me the Coyote's actions! Here it is, enjoy!

Thank you so much for showing me the actions, and shout out to Housemom418 for helping me as well ^.^.

There is also a new mini-book for Coyotes, which is found in the Chamber of Knowledge.

The trophy is also super adorable:

Now for page 2!

Since the Coyote's are a western animal, AJHQ came out with western den item, and clothing item sets! You can get your paws on these sets in the Diamond Shop.

You can buy the whole western den item set for 7 diamonds,

And the western clothing item set for 11 diamonds!

Now for page 3,

An unexpected surprise! There is now new Pet Sharks! We haven't had a new ocean pet (not counting promo pets), in forever. Another great feature, to another great update!

Because I'm now saving diamonds for the Coyote, I was a bit desperate for one of these. Gfox0 stopped by my den, and gave me one! Thank you, Gfox!

I was excited to dress up my shark pet, but it was a bit disappointing when I found the accessories. They were a bit creepy- actually, but I ended up finding two accessories for it.

Here's the head items,

Back/fin items,

And a few exclusive features as well!

I ended up choosing the huge bubble, and the teddy bear (😋) for mine.

I wish I could have my own personal bubble.. Hehe.

Now for page 4,

Graham's Workshop is back! In this adventure, you have to collect various resources, then you can exchange them for clothing/den items. Here are the item's that you can get this year:


Den items:

Quite a lot of den items, compared to clothing items!

I remember that when I first met one of the authors, Karalee, we played Graham's Workshop. So, it probably has been about a year since we met! I also remember playing that adventure right after I got back from our Church's summer camping trip.. Ah, memories.

Now for page 5,

Unfortunately, Lions are traveling, but the good news is, Dolphins are coming back! 

I honestly don't remember hearing that Dolphins were going to be traveling, but yet- I don't seem to remember these kinds of things. But, I'm glad Jammer's can now get Dolphin avatars again! I only have one, and the colors are pretty mismatched on it, so I think it's time to get a new one.

Now for the last page,

An advertisement for the Animal Jam Box! I have not ever got one of these, but I'd love to get the Summer Box for my birthday. If you would like to see an in-depth look of the Spring Box before purchasing one, click here, to read Talloose's review on it! I really like the t-shirt that comes with it, and I hope they have t-shirt's in some of the upcoming boxes. 

What do you think of the Animal Jam Box? Is it a good buy?

Comment call: What do you think of this weeks update?


Heres todays Bible verse!

Psalm 69:32

The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help be encouraged.

Remember, God made YOU!

P.S. Donations are needed for Friendship Mail! Click here to find out how to donate.


  1. The update this week was pretty good. But that just means next week's one will probably be worse.

  2. :O The Coyotes and Pet Sharks are so cute!!!!!!! I'd love to get one, but I'm non member........... But they are still so cute!


    P.S I noticed my last comment was not approved. I apologize if it didn't seem to meet standards.

  3. Aww, Thanks for featuring my small review! :3 I love every bit of support I get for my blog and everything! :D It means alot.


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