
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Party, Giveaway, Fashion Show, Friendship Mail, - Whats All This For? It's Almost AJFC's 2nd Birthday!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here!

It's almost AJFC's second birthday! I really, honestly, can't believe it's been almost two years since I first wrote this post,

Time has just completely flied by. I can't believe how far this blog has come, and how far I've come with my writing. (My writing used to be utterly horrible..)

In celebration of this, I will be hosting a party, giveaway, and also a fashion show! This all should be lots of fun, so let's not delay anymore, and get straight to the party information!


Party info:

Location: Graciepopstar91's den on Animal Jam.

Date: June 15th 2017 (which is a Thursday)

Time: 4:00 PM PST (Pacific standard time) such as California CA, Nevada NV, and Oregon OR, 5:00 PM MST (Mountain standard time) such as Salt lake city UT, St. George UT, Denver CO, Albuquerque NM, and Arizona AZ (It will be 4 PM in AZ because Arizona doesn't do daylight savings time), 12:00 AM in London, 1:00 AM in Paris, France, HST (Hawaii) 1:00 AM such as Honolulu, and Hilo, EST (Eastern Standard time) 7:00 PM such as North Carolina NC, New York NY, South Carolina SC, Ohio OH, and Florida FL, CST (Central timing) 6:00 PM such as Minneapolis, Wisconsin, and Texas.

What we will do at the party: Play mini-games, play find the plushie, have an AJFC quiz ,hangout, and have a little devotional.

Reason for celebration: We're celebrating AJFC's second birthday!

People who can come to the party: Everyone! Young or old, non-member on Animal Jam or member, Christian or non-Christian, etc! Don't forget to invite all your buddies!


I hope you all can come! 

Is 4 PM PST a good time for everyone? If a lot of people say they can't come, I would most likely change the time to 5 PM PST, or 7 PM PST. 

And now, for the giveaway information!


I will be giving away the following,

First place will get the Rare Black Spiked Wristband, and second place will get the Lion's Mane!

All you have to do to enter, is comment down below with your username, and why you read AJFC! 

You have from now, until June 3rd 2017 to enter!

I will be choosing/announcing the winner June 4th. I hope you have fun entering! 


And now for the fashion show info,


From now until June 7th 2017, you have a chance to enter AJFC's Birthday Bash Fashion Show!

Dress your Animal Jam avatar in a party/Birthday like outfit, and then comment down below what animal/name the avatar your entering is, and you will be entered to win this 'snazzy' item!

Have fun!


Now for the Friendship Mail info ( ):) ),


I know I just filmed/edited episode 2 of Friendship Mail a few days ago, but I thought it would be a lot of fun to have a Friendship Mail episode, in honor of AJFC's second birthday bash!

But this episode will be a bit different. I will be taking my Dad (Dad-Popstar) on Animal Jam, and we will both be reacting to the gifts. I've already been talking with him about this, and I have a feeling it will be a very wacky episode.. 😆

Please send the gifts between now, and June 6th. We will most likely be filming June 6th, at around 7:00 PM, or 7:30 PM. 

I'm going to try to get the video done by June 8th, but I'm not sure if it will be done then, because my Nana and Grandpa are coming into town that day, for a week. I'll try to get it done in my free time. 


I can't wait to film, and I'm very excited for all these upcoming events! Comment down below if you will be able to come to the party, and comment down below with your giveaway entry!


Heres todays Bible verse!

1 John 1:9 NLT

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. WOOOHOOO! Happy birthday AJFC! :D

    1. OOPS XD I forgot to enter the giveaway, Why are my entries always late XD

  2. Wow! It is so old!
    My young blog:
    *Stares up admiringly* "You are meh idol!!!!!!!"

    Anyhoo, my username is Snowlondon. I started reading it because you, Gracie, suggested it. And then I fell in love with the huge community. I say truthfully that you are what got me to start blogging. Thank you!

    1. Also for the fashion show can I enter Princess Alienstar?

  3. My username is sarahkey8,
    the reason why I read it is because we met on the d.e, warmed up to each other, and you told me about this blog :) It has so many amazing viewers,

    you are the best blogger boss anybody could ask for! The posts are amazing *hugs everybody in the AJ blogging community CX*

  4. Eeeek! I dont think I'll be able to make it D: D:

  5. Username: Violet86271
    Reason why I read this blog: I read this blog because it now has some of my closest buddies on AJ and I enjoy reading all the humourful, meaningful, amazing well written posts! Even if they aren't funny.
    I may or may not be able to make it.

  6. I don't think I feel comfortable going to another blogger party, but awesome! If I remember, I'll send something!

  7. Happy (really) early birthday to the AJFC! I probably can't make it to the party, even if you re-schedule it. I live on the opposite side of the world so when it is PM for you guys, it's AM for me. I really wish I could join in on all the fun though. :)
    I'll totally watch the video you make! :D I really wish I could send you something but I'm not a member at the moment. If I get a membership, I'll send you something for the Friendship Mail. :D
    I really wish I started reading this blog sooner. I'll be honest, I've known about this blog for ages but I never got around to reading it due to some reason. But I'll try to read every post from now on. The posts on this blog are really fun to read! :D

  8. I'm tiger07737, and I read this blog because this is honestly the only place I feel I have true friends. I have very few IRL friends and the ones I have probably don't like me, and being with you guys online just really makes me feel special o3o idek anymore

    For the fashion show I'd like to enter Lucky Happypaw :D (making the look rn)

  9. I'm entering my seal, Fuzzy Kawaiiseal. I wish I had membership right now because I would be able to make a really good outfit XD


Hey there! Thank you for choosing to comment on AJFC! Before you comment, please read and follow these rules.
1. No inappropriate comments.
2. No foul language.
3. No spam/constant advertising.
4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
7. Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!