
Monday, May 22, 2017

Rare Item Monday!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, filling in for Coolcat89252!

Coolcat's Nana is currently in the hospital, so she will be unable to post this week. Prayers are needed for her Nana, and hopefully she will be out in a few days!


And now, for this weeks RIM!

This weeks RIM, is a Rare Butterfly Hair bow! It's located in Jam Mart Clothing on the 12th page, and is for sale for 850 gems. The color scheme is black, blue, and purple!

I would rate this around 8/10. I love butterflies, and I do believe you could make a nice look with this! Though, not my favorite RIM, it is still cute.

Here's a look I made, using the Rare Butterfly Hair Bow, Flower Tail, Ribbon Scarf, and Clover Leg Warmer's!

I tried to include all the colors that are on the Hair Bow into the look. Feel free to try this look out, or try using the Hair Bow, and mixing up the colors I used.


Heres todays Bible verse!

Hebrews 5:16

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. I hope CC's Nana is alright :( She'll be in my prayers

  2. Did anyone else purchase this? I'd be willing to trade. I was on a road trip :(

    1. I did! I can gift one to you once I get on AJ :)


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