
Saturday, July 22, 2017


Heyo tutti! Ja983 qui e in un paio di settimane che sta per essere il mio compleanno!
:Getta i coriandoli ovunque:
:Genera palloncini husky ovunque:
:Genera husky Γ¨ ovunque:
E sto andando a far parte di una speranza che tutti possano venire!
Sto progettando di avere un partito gigante, sarΓ  SUPER FUN! : D
Il traduttore di Google Γ¨ talmente divertente. hehehhe

That was fun. XD

Now, the party is going to be on August 12th, that seems to be the best date for everyone.
Date: August 12th.
Time: 2:00 p.m. Central Timing
Where: Ja983's den.
Games planed: Guess that song, Ja983 quiz, Find the plushie, What am I? Fashion Show.
What's being celebrated: Ja's birthday!
Who's invited. Let's see, hmmmm EVERYONE! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ (why do these have a mustache?
(Rn i am holding fire while i'm tyoeing this! SOOOOOO CUTE aaand she left 😟😒 )
Hope ya'll can come!
And you guys must be wondering, for such a short post, why is it so late?
Well, this morning I kinda forgot, then after lunch I started it, but then I (and pretty much everyone in our family) Had to help take down our old trampoline, and set up the new trampoline.
It was kinda fun! Even though it was kinda hot, but that trip in the trailer for the lawn mower was fun! :D
Anyway, I am tired, and am not allowed on AJ right now, so I can't do Fix My Eyes.
Maybe next week though, and I'll do 4.
Bye guys! Hope ya can come to the party! :D

*King Tough Bunny 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I should be able to go to the party it just depends what I am doing that day, cause if Doing stuff and not done by 3 I will either be late for your party or completely miss it.


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