
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sssssnake tips

Hey everyone, it's Pooky Bear, today I will giving you some tips for the pet game, Ssssssnake.
Since I do not have membership I will be doing this on Ja's sister's account, Nas.
Ok, the first tip is, turning off your buddy request
I have lost games where I have gotten very long due to people trying to buddy me 

             Avoid from doing this,    ^^^^^
Turning to go backwards doesn't always work.

Now, this one is a little weird, you can actually go inside part of the 'wall' if you have to use that when your in a hard spot.

Are you getting to squished, and wrinkled? just stretch yourself along the wall. 
Do this every once and awhile.

Here is another tip I can't really catch with a picture, You don't have to catch a mouse with a large part of your mouth if that makes sense, if you just touch the mouse with the very edge of your mouth, it counts. 

This one I can't really catch with a picture either.
Don't catch a mouse to close to your tail, as you know your tail grows right as soon as you eat a mouse so be careful when eating those doubles, and triple mice bunches.

Couldn't get it good because I was trying to take the picture.
But if the tail is where the blue is, 
and you can't really get out, try and kinda follow the black pen's path to buy yourself some time. 

Oh I almost forgot! 
Do not click outside the 'game box' It tabs you out of the actual game. 

And that's about it, remember that golden mice spawn every 10 mice. 

And to make it fun, you could do a little thing where you can only catch the mice that spawn first.

Hope you enjoyed this post, and that you fine these tips useful!  

{Pooky Bear} 

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