
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The New Animal (Theory)

Helloooooooo Jammers! Sarahkey8 here with another post! Today we are talking about the new animal!

*inserts all de pictures of new  animal*
Photo credit Animal Jam Whip

Photo credit Animal Jam Whip

Okay, now you have all the pictures :P  
Now, there has been a debate whether its a gecko or flamingo.
It is 'clearly' a gecko, because you can see it. But some people are saying it's a flamingo?  The purple thing, people are saying are the 'legs' 
Image result for flamingo crossing its legs
But to be honest.. I don't think those are flamingo legs...  

And it says they have never before been seen in Jamaa, but what do we see in Crystal Sands?

                                                            A flamingo.. 
That gets rid of that idea, so that leaves us the gecko! 
I know right now, you guys are all like "SARAH WE HAVE PET GECKOS" 
And I know this, I do. And they are in stores right now.. 
So.. that closes that out too.. Could we be missing an obious clue? Just not thinking right, because of the 'leaked' flamingo photo's, and the obvious gecko behind the rock? Twisting out thinking? Nobody would have thought it was a flamingo if it wasn't for those leaked photo's.. 

Which means, nobody would figure it out, I don't think AJHQ meant for those photo's to be leaked, if they are leaked, I think they are just edits, it has been proven with these pictures!
A beaver edit, by Arctic!  
A snake edit, also by Arctic! And let's not forget this snake!
And lastly, this dino
Proving that making "Animal Jam" styled animal edits, is not out of the question. 
Maybe it is a blue heron? 
We have toucans after all, you guys are probably like
"Sarah, wot are you talking about?" 
Well.. this
From double up! As you guys can tell, Double Up is from the beta days, which is why the animals look how they do.. It has the first 6 animals, plus a toucan and grey heron! 
We didn't get toucans until a few months ago, even though nobody thought we would get them.
Now, what about those strange looking birds next to a toucan? Those my friends, are grey herons, 
What is Mira?
A grey heron.
What is in those 'holes'? 
A grey heron. 
Is it time for AJHQ to released grey herons? 

My opinion?I think it is the gecko, the purple spots in the picture, well, doesn't exactly look like flamingo legs to me. 
I think I just confused everybody.
I don't think this post helped...
Well.. maybe examine this closely XD
*gets pelted with lemons because I confused everybody*  ACK! ARCTIC THE LEMON THROWING HAS CAUGHT ON, (OR THE 'CITRUS THROWING') FIRST YOU, THEN KARA, NOW MEEE!  Today's Bible verse is Proverbs 16.3 – “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”
*runs away while getting pelted with lemons*


  1. Interesting theory! Also those edits are super awesome!!

  2. Since AJHQ says that the animal "has never been seen in Jamaa", it could be a flamingo, even those legs don't really look like flamingo legs.

    1. Yeah, but as I said before, flamingos in crystal sands

  3. See I don't really get how the purple looks like legs? To me it looks like a purple thing almost shaped like a TXD But I'm not sure if it's geckos either considering AJ said never seen before in Jamaa and we have pet geckos. Guess we will just have to wait another week to see....

    1. Yeah, but then again, we see the flamingo in Crystal Sands.
      I just- yeah XD

  4. Same here: I don't think they'd make the picture that obvious. Plus, they mentioned how blurry and grainy it was, so that must mean they're wanting us to focus on the blurry, grainy THING! XD!
    Plus, gecko avatars? They seem a bit small... XDD!


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