
Thursday, July 27, 2017

The New Jammer Wall, And New Portals!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here, back with another update post!

Before we get started, I apologize for never putting up the camping pictures. I have them all chosen out, I just need to get around to posting them, heh.

Aaand I also apologize for slightly neglecting this blog, with not posting, and not updating any of the weekly features shown on the side of AJFC. They're now fully updated, and I'm going to be posting every Thursday and Sunday like normal. ^.^

Now, let's begin our Thursday update post!


Yesterday, a single page of the Jamaa Journal came out, so let's begin with that first.

There's new features on the Jammer Wall! I love the new features, but unfortunately, the chat area has decreased in sized. Instead of the normally big design, the Jammer Wall now looks like this,

As you can see, you can now Jammer's Jammer Walls, reply to comments, have a picture of your avatar, and have stickers! Currently, the avatar picture is still quite glitchy. As you can see, my seal is a strange light blue, has no hat, and it's fur sorta goes over it's eyes..
Below the image, you can have a little message! But, it has to be 21 characters.. Not much you can write in 21 characters, so I just put "Heyo this is me XD".
As you can see, in the top left corner, there's a little button with three lines on it. When you click on it,

This pops up! You can still change the background of your Jammer Wall, which is what this tab has in it. On the second tab, you can choose the stickers you want to put on your Jammer Wall.

You can have alpha stickers, a peace sign sticker, ice cream sticker, etc.

You can have five stickers at the most on your Jammer Wall, and this is what it looks like when you drag a sticker in!

On the third tab, you can drag in three masterpieces to put on the right side of your Jammer Wall. You used to be able to have six masterpieces on your wall, but to make room for the new sticker and image feature.

To change your animal image, simply click on the little picture space, and you can choose a background for the photo you want to take. 

Then, to add a message, click on the little sticky note!

On the bottom left corner, there is a little chat bubble button, and when you click on it, your reply activity will pop up! When you comment on someone else's Jammer Wall, and someone replies to you, you will have a little number near the chat bubble when you go on your Jammer Wall. You will also get alerted like this when someone comments on your Jammer Wall, you reply to them, and they reply back to you.

I hope this little tutorial was helpful for you guys!

Now for the next page, that got released today!

This weeks Wild Weekend's spotlight, is shining on eight brand new portals that are now in the Diamond Shop! The normal portals will teleport you to your buddies, but these new portals, will teleport you to a land in Jamaa! AJHQ made a portal for each land in Jamaa, except for the four ocean lands. I think it would be kinda neat to have ocean portals, but yet, if a Jammer doesn't have any ocean animals, but buy an ocean portal, they wouldn't be able to go through it until the Jammer buys an ocean animal. So, I could understand why AJHQ didn't release ocean portals.

Here are the eight portals, that are for sale in the Diamond Shop!

I bought the Jamaa Township portal, Crystal Sands portal, and the Coral Canyons portal! Coral Canyons is my favorite Aldan trading destination, so of course, I had to buy a Coral Canyons portal. 😜


What do you think of these two mini updates? Are you happy with the new Jammer Wall? What do you think about the eight new portals? Be sure to comment your thoughts down in the comment section below!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Isaiah 40:31

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

My Dad's favorite verse. ^.^

Remember, God made YOU!

P.S. Our very own blog author, Sarahkey8, also did an update post on Animal Jam Community! Click here to view it.

1 comment:

  1. :O



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